Chapter 3

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Alyssa's POV

As I flung myself onto the bed, I let out a loud groan. My head was pounding, and I felt completely drained of energy. My eyelids drooped and my hands shook.

Suddenly, Zoe appeared, giving me a sympathetic look. "Feeling it?" she asked.

I looked up at her, my eyes heavy and tired. "Yeah," I said with a sigh. "It's so strange. He's not hurting us physically, but I feel like I can barely move."

Zoe nodded thoughtfully. "He may be using some kind of Beta mind-manipulating technique," she mused. "It's a way of controlling people's thoughts and emotions without physically harming them."

I shuddered at the thought, feeling a chill run down my spine. The idea of someone having that kind of power over me was terrifying. 

I rolled over and looked at the attic window. 

"It's not gonna get any better," Zoe pointed out. "Once he becomes alpha it'll be ten times worse."

"I heard he can't become alpha without finding a luna first," I said.

For some reason, talking about his Luna made me angry.

No, talking about his luna as if his luna wasn't me.

I shook off the thought.

"I'm gonna get some rest," I yawned. "I've gotta be down there at six o'clock sharp."


I curled up around my pillow and drifted off to sleep.


6:12 a.m.



"Moon Goddess, help me!" I whispered desperately, putting on my boots and tying my hair in a French braid.

I quickly applied lipstick to I could look at least presentable before I whipped open the door and descended the stairs.

As I arrived at the dining room, they were already eating.

I gulped.

"Miss Alyssa," Master said cooly. "Why are you late?"

"Um-" I stammered. "I slept in-"

"You are worthless to me if you can't obey one simple rule," he continued in his same cool voice.

I felt like I was punched.

"I have you so you can obey my rules. Not to come down whenever you feel like it."

I took a deep breath.

The strategy had worked before. I hoped it would work now.

"Well, you're on the lucky side, aren't you?" I snapped. "You've got your little servants scurrying about you and you can wake up at literally any time you want! Us slaves have to swarm around you like bees just to please your lazy butt!"

But he seemed unfazed.

"It is not my fault you were born in a lowly family that didn't want you," he waved carelessly.

"I'm not a slave because my family-"

"Of course you are!" he said with an innocent smile. "Your father thought you were useless, yes?"

I choked.

"That's what I thought," he cooed. "Now next time be on time."

I nodded and looked at the ground.






I ran down the stairs in a hurry but started walking as soon as he could see me.

"What?" I demanded, quickly putting on my rebellion façade. 

"Don't give me that attitude, slave," he said, but not in a very sharp tone.

Again, the pang in my heart hit me like a whip.

I wanted him to talk to me, to listen to me, to look at me.

I shook my head.

No, I hated him. He made my life so miserable.

"Come, sit on one of these chairs," he said.

"No," I said casually. "I'm not falling for a stupid trap because I'm not stupid."

He sighed. "What if I allow you to shift later? Will you sit down? Please?"

He said please?

"Fine," I huffed, plopping myself on the dark chair with golden colored arm-rests. "What do you want?"

To be honest, despite my exterior, I was terrified.

What was he going to do with me?

Don't be afraid, Tempest said in my head.

Okay, I snorted. I won't be afraid. He can just do whatever he wants with me, but I won't be afraid.

"I have something to tell you," he says. "Something quite important. It will change our future."

"Well then?" I asked impatiently. "What is it? Spit it out!"

Master leaned in. "I'm going to become an Alpha."

He paused. 

"With your help."

I choked. "What? How could I help you? I'm just a meaningless slave!"

"Wrong," he said, leaning in. "You could help me very much."

I snorted disbelievingly. "Okay, what do you want me to do? Get you some roses for your dearest Luna?"

"Sure, but I'll get them for you," he shrugged. "Which kind of roses do you like?"

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