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How did this happen?  How am I currently waking up in some basement ,with no clue of where I'm at, tied to a pole.  My head is throbbing! My body feels like I've been hit by a truck and I have no clue how long I was knocked out.
  I've been awake for a while now and start to hear some talking coming from upstairs,but I can't scream. I have no energy and my throat is so dry I can barely make a noise.
Where the fuck is Mercer or Tony? I know they have to realize I'm gone. How haven't I been found yet? We all have trackers on our phones. If the person who took me was smart they would've ditched the phone but it's still sitting in my front pocket.  As if on cue it lights up.Fuck I wish I could answer it! Someone has to realize something is up and are trying to call me.
Damn man! How long was I out?
I try tugging as hard as I can on the ropes but whoever tied this shit is good. I can barely move a thing. I look down and notice the blood on my shirt,so the question is where the fuck was I hit at. Everything hurts so it could've came from anywhere. To top it off, I need to piss,and from the looks of it,I may have done that while I was out cold. The faint smell of pee is hitting my nose now. This is fucking embarrassing.
Once the guys find me they're gonna have a laugh with this one. How the fuck did I get myself into this position? Someone definitely caught me Slipping. Which never happens! 10 years of working under my uncle as his own personal hitman, years of skilled training,and I end up here!
I just wish I knew where the fuck here was. Growing up in the Mafia I seen a lot of shit I shouldn't of when I was a child,but none of it ever scared me. I can still remember the first time I seen a dead body. I was 8 years old ,visiting my uncle and "accidentally" went into the basement. I tried to turn and run but my uncle caught me.

"Luca! Vieni qui!"
I stopped in my tracks. My uncle was no one to fuck with. Family or not. So when he said come here, I ran over.
"Does this scare you?" He asks as he points at the body laying on the ground. There's blood everywhere,but for some reason it intrigues me.
"No. Who is he?"
"Who he is ,is a piece of shit scum who  raped your cousin Lita. My principessa! And who knows how many other little girls!"
He spits down on him. I feel a rage by what he says and I don't know what possesses me to do it but I kick the dead body as hard as I can and fall on top of it. There's now blood on my hands and shirt. You would think id be scared, but instead I feel a rush! It was that moment I knew, I was born fucked in the head.

I can't help but to laugh at the memory. From that day forward my uncle started letting me in on more of the Mafia side of things. He didn't care that I was only 8. He told me I had the heart to be at the top of this one day,and that gave me the extra encouragement to get through a lot of what I had to do to prove myself. By the time I was 14 I killed my first person. Some piece of shit teacher who tried to make a move on me in detention one day. I waited for him the next day in the backseat of his car,and sliced his throat from ear to ear. I Called the cleaners,and went about my day.  I didn't handle that part of the dirty work. It was like nothing phased me though. I sometimes scared myself.
I'm Sitting here  trying to dig for the last thing I can remember when I hear talking,then a door shut upstairs.
Did they leave? Whoever it is must have a death wish cause once I'm free they're Dead on site!
All of a sudden I hear a door open and someone walking down steps from behind me. I try to see but I can barely turn in their direction. There's no use in fighting , I'm sure they'll make their presence known to me. I can't wait to see who this motherfucker is! 
"Whoever the fuck you are, you got something coming! You think my people aren't searching for me as we fucking speak?! I can't wait to get my hands on you and rip your head right off your fucking shoulders! "
They walk around and stand in front of me
"Well, That's gonna be a little hard with you tied up and all."

"Solei?! What the fuck?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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