Bitten by Fate - Chapter One (Part Two)

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Decker POV:

I saw her pacing back and forth in the parking lot. She was talking to herself. "I can't believe I let Trevor talk me into coming out, especially to here. As soon as I learned where we were going and that it was singles night, I should have locked my door and eaten my secret stash of Hostess snack cakes. I should know I wasn't ready to be in this environment. And that asshole! He was the cherry on the cake of my awful fucking day! All I want to do is go home, watch my show, eat my snack cakes, and make mad, passionate love to my vibrator and forget about the stupid, arrogant, disrespectful, awful, sexy, panty-wetting, panty-dropping specimen of a man. God, what is wrong with me!"

She was startled by my deep, gravelly voice. Correction, my sexy as fuck deep raspy voice that sent a visible shiver down her body.

"You must be talking about me." She yelped and jumped about a foot in the air. I studied her face for a few moments. Despite what I said to Teddy, she is gorgeous. But there was no way I was going to admit that to anyone. She wasn't more than 5'1. She was in heels, so it made it a little tricky to tell. Her body wasn't bad at all. She was not the type I would typically go for, but looking at her, I was starting to change my mind about my exact type. Besides her sizable tits, which I would love to stick my-you know what? Nevermind. She had a juicy ass that I would love to bury my face in. And her thick hourglass shape and beautiful wide-doe eyes made my cock dance.

She wrapped her arms around her stomach like she was hugging herself. More like hiding her body from me.

"What do you want? Haven't you done enough? Just leave me alone. Go flirt with college bimbo Barbie at the bar. Maybe you can dump a drink on her, and she will tell you how sorry she is."

"Look, Sunshine, I came out here to say that I... I thought about it, and there's a slight possibility that you may not have been completely at fault for spilling my drink. So, I just wanted to say that."

"Is that your feeble excuse for an apology?"

"What do you want me to say?" This girl is so unreasonable.

"Usually, the words I'm sorry is an acceptable start to an apology."

"Are you going to accept my 'feeble attempt of an apology' or not?"

She threw her hands up in the air. "Are you for real? Why did you even bother coming out here if all you were going to do was be a condescending cocksucker!"

Did she call me condescending? She called you a cocksucker too. Shut up. "If you want to know, Sunshine, I am out here because my roommate wants to get into your roommate's tight pants. I was blackmailed into coming out here. So, can you at least tell your friend that I made an effort to apologize, but you refused to accept it so we can both go on our merry fucking way."

"You are so un-fucking-believable! How do you keep your knuckles from dragging on the ground, you Neanderthal!"

"I'm 6'4. It's not that hard. Now, will you text Travis and tell him we kissed and made up or what?" I would give anything to kiss you. To feel that shock of electricity course through my body again.

"Decker. His name is Trevor, not Travis, and I wouldn't kiss and make up with you if doing so solved world hunger!"

"Wrigley, is it?"

"Wrenly. My name is Wrenly. Jesus Christ!" She folded her arms, causing her breasts to bulge out.

Speaking of bulges, the one in my jeans was becoming painful. I was praying that her tits would pop out at any moment. I wanted to know if the color of her nipples matched the color of her lips. She really was so cute when she was angry.

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