Bitten by Fate- Chapter Two

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Wrenly POV:

Who knew that a bottle of wine could cause a 36-hour hangover? I knew it was a bad idea, but I really needed to just blackout the night at Indigo. The crowd, the touching, the dickhead. At least Trevor found someone. He had been Face Timing Teddy for the last day and a half. I really was happy for him. He was the kind of guy who was always looking for love in all the wrong places. He had been burned so many times. He came out when he was a freshman in high school. Luckily for him, we lived in a place where people were incredibly open-minded, and even though not everyone was nice to him, he had a lot of friends and a lot of support. More people loved and respected him than hated and revolted against him.

But the pool of openly gay boys was not very deep. It wasn't until we moved to the city and started attending college that he was able to swim in a deeper pool. But he just never found the right one. One-night stands and booty calls were great, but he did crave something real. And I can tell that Teddy is real. I just don't want to see him get his heart crushed, and I also don't want to ever see Teddy's dickhead of a roommate again.

DeCKer. That jackass who I couldn't get out of my head all fucking weekend. I wanted to believe that he was an awful person, but the way he talked to me when we were out in the parking lot. I thought maybe there was a nice guy inside of him. Then Trevor told me about what he said when he came back inside. How he had denied saying he was sorry and called me names. It did make me smile to imagine what his face looked like when Trevor smacked him. Pure joy.

However, the dream that I had about him last night made me angry. Angry because I didn't want to wake up. I actually had an orgasm in my sleep. Yes, I had a wet dream.


I was walking around the house with my glass of wine when there was a knock on my door.

"Trevor, did you forget your fucking keys again. I swear to God I am—" I opened the door, and before me was not Trevor. I looked up sixteen inches till my eyes met his. He had beautiful sage green eyes, long lashes, a beautiful smile, and a single deep dimple on his left cheek.

"What are you doing here? Still trying to win that bet, are you?" I turned to walk away, and he grabbed my arm. This time, I didn't yell at him. This time, I felt the electricity pulse through my skin. I felt chills down my spine. "Why are you here, Decker?"

"Because I know you want me here, Sunshine. Because I know I want to be here."

He ran the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip. "I want to kiss you, Sunshine. Will you let me kiss you if I ask? "

"I don't know. Maybe you should ask me and find out."

He bent down till we were eye to eye. "Let me kiss you, Sunshine. Please. He took my chin between his thumb and index finger. I nodded my head. I need words. I need you to tell me I'm allowed."

I swallowed. "Yes. You're allowed." His lips pressed to mine, and I could almost feel them in reality.

"Do you want more?"

"Yes," I let out in a breathy moan.

"What more do you want, Wrenly? Do you want me to kiss you again?" He kissed my neck. "Do you want my lips on your body?" He nipped at my skin. "Can I taste you, Wrenly? I want to taste you." He ran the tip of his tongue up the side of my neck to the divot under my ear. "Will you let me?" he asked in a whisper.

I put my arms around his neck, and he lifted me up with ease by my thighs. My legs were wrapped around his hips. I pressed my mouth to his. We kissed, soft at first. He walked with me attached to him like a koala bear, never breaking our kiss. I felt his tongue against my lips, and I parted mine, granting him access. The tips touched softly at first, and then the intensity started to build. He dropped me on the bed. I was in my nightshirt and a small pair of black panties. When he dropped me, the shirt rode up, exposing me. He knelt on the floor next to my bed like he was worshipping me like a Goddess. I could feel his hands slowly run up my legs, brushing the sensitive skin of my inner thighs.

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