Beautiful Beaches

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Raya walked onto the ball floor in a lavender dress with black heels and red lipstick she walked over and the prince kissed her lips and then Leslie walked in a midnight blue dress with blue heels and black lipstick she ran to the bathroom and so did Raya then they kissed in the stall causing there lipsticks to mix.

After the dance she went to her pastor "I'm not doing this look I like girls get it in ut head shove it up your ass whatever just stop and yeah i'm not christin never have goodbye Jorge"

Then not waiting for a response walks to the dark woods "Hi" the prince walks up "Ugh more fans here's an autograph" Leslie spots Raya "Were you two...." "After she's my girl" the prince shrugs

Leslie walks away storming she walks to the beach and takes off her shirt and pants causing to swim in her bra and boxers and slightly cries and stops crying after she spots raya

"Look Leslie i'm sorry i was drinking because the prince saw us kissing and told me he'd tell my mother and get you killed i'm sorry i did-" "First mistake you didn't call me love second mistake you didn't even kiss me" Leslie grabs Raya and kisses her. Raya is surprised and says "You were testing me huh beautiful" Leslie doesn't blush just kisses her '' Im not jealous i know you love me your a player for me" Leslie teases "I didn't realize you were in this" Leslie notices her clothes are wet in ocean Raya picks up Leslie and runs her into her room and kisses her.

After that night Lesile knew why everyone wanted her. When she left she went to her mom "Mother I think you need to accept i'm lesbian I like Leslie please accept it. Raya demands.

"Finz but you give prince childz AI wonz hurtz herz" mother replies "NO" Raya yells "Ill tell everyone your crimes" Raya threats "Finz butz iz willz comz bacz" Mother demands "Your accent is humillating" Raya skofts "goodbye mutter"

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