The Castle

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As Raya said goodbye to her mother, she felt happy and proud that her main problem was gone.

Leslie walked into her bedroom and laided on the floor as she wrote into her diary, she was very proud of how she managed to fill 6 pages with her very limited time intill the King and Queen needed her for her daily duties. Leslie finished and got to work, when she walked down the royal staircase she went and swept the ball dance floor, and then mopped set out the pastries for the buffet. Then she noticed the prince.

"Hello Leslie" He said "I'm working not for you but so i can get into collage" Leslie grumbled.

"Well, I wanted to brag that me and Raya are official" Prince said proudly. Leslie was too into wanting the prince to leave she didn't even care she knew that the princes threats did't bother her. "Don't you like care or something?" the prince grouded? "No because you mussent bother me during work so I shall show no emotions" Leslie said proud.

The prince walked out and mumbled unpleasnt words as he walked out and as he walked out she left a kind note with a cupcake and ran to go tell Raya off. "How dare you?!" Leslie yelled.

"Hello you too Leslie" Raya grumbled. "I had to he was threat-" Leslie cut her off "Were d-d-d-d-done!" tears pricked her eyes "I should have listened to my mother your just a player!" Leslie ran off crying and went back to her chores and when she finished she went and wrote 14 pages of her feelings she was not pleased with Raya at this moment.

''I see you told Paster Jorge off" Her mother said unhappily. "I don't have time for you right now" Leslie coverd her mouth and ran suprised at what came out of her mouth. She went and cooked dinner and ate and left to the dark woods and silently cried. "Why would she even think to do that" Leslie cried "Maybe this wouldn't have happend if you've let me finished" Raya said sniffing

"Even if he threated you, you could have said no I can handle myself thank you very much!" Leslie said "I love you today tomorrow forever i'm a princess royalty you clean ball rooms and make dinners he could send people to kill you of course i'm not saying no" Raya yelled. "I would rather be killed then crying it's unpleasent" Leslie said stubbernly "And were done today tomorrow forever." Leslie made clear "f-f-fine but don't glare when I kiss my so called "boyfriend" ick.'' Raya put her finger to her tounge to show she didn't like the prince. "Can we still be friends?" Raya pleaed "Fine I guess" Leslie said. Raya hugged her and then went on to the caslte going to tell the prince off. "How is the princess falling for a girl like me I swear life throws things at me.."

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