Player Leslie

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"Goodmorning Leslie" Raya says "I know what your doing.. It's not funny" Raya pouts

Leslie can't hold back her feelings anymore so instead she bottles them up "Sorry but it's funny to me?" Leslie says "Ok wow badass?" Raya grumbles "I'm lovesick I won't look at other girls but you I won't get over you Leslie I'm sorry.." "Ok call me Player Leslie then because I don't like you" Leslie says

When Leslie is spying on Raya she over hears.

"Were done i'm lovesick for someone else your just a secand option" Raya says

"Fine then.." The Prince says.

When Raya notices Leslie, Leslie notices how her eyes pupils slowy form into hearts "I did it for yo-" Leslie kisses Raya and doesnt stop "I cant bottle it anymore all I can bottle is that I DONT LIKE YOU" Raya frowns "Damnmit" Raya grumbles

Raya 12:00 CPT

"Hey can't stop thinking bout you"

Leslie 12:01 CPT

'' thats cute"

Leslie ends convo sorry raya..

This chapter may end here but remeber Leslie can't bottle her feelings for that long keep in mind ;).

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