(Azul must die... pt.1)

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A godly hand EP. 8.5

February, 15, 1008

7:30 pm

Azul Arrives back at Repentance with archer

Lapis: Hey hone- Oh, (yells at everybody at the bar) BAR CLOSE GET THE FUCK OUT

Random customer: Awww I just got her-


Random customer: Yes ma'am

Everyone has left the bar, leaving Azul, Lapis, Archer

Lapis: What are you doing standing there? Go downstairs and tie him up.

Azul: alright open the way down there then.

Lapis: Of course, Oh and also...

Azul: Yeah?

Lapis: I watched some of the fight. You did well out there honey, didn't even need to pull out a technique...

Azul: Wasn't really planning on fighting him in all honesty, but thank you babe.

(Azul takes archer downstairs, and wraps him in some special rope around a chair)

Lapis: He shouldn't be able to break free, if he ever wakes up that is...

Azul: Yeah, Plus we got to make sure he doesn't try to blow anything up when he wakes.

Lapis: Of course, Hey, you want to go out and do something?

Azul: Are you asking me on a date? And also, what about Archer?

Lapis: I'll just make an mirror image to watch over him and the bar.

Azul: Then I'm more than happy to go out with you. where first?

Lapis: (She goes to hug on Azul's arm as they exit the bar) wherever the wind takes us...

3 hours and 30 minutes later


The scene fades to a random guy walking the streets of Shibuya

Ty: "Repentance" what an odd name for a bar

Ty arrives up to the front of the bar

Ty: This must be the place.

Ty walks into the bar to be greeted by Lapis's mirror image

Lapis mirror image: Hello welcome to Repentance, where your sorrows and regrets can get washed down with the bars finest gin. How may I help you?

Ty: I'm looking for an owner, if you can't get the owner, I'm also looking for a man that goes by "Azul".

Lapis M.I: Oh- Well the owners are out on a date right now, is there a chance that you could wait until they come back.

Ty: Sure of course, if that's the case, I'll take a hard lemonade...

Lapis M.I: One lemonade coming up. Tell me your story while I make your drink.

Ty: Well, I guess it all starts with me and my brother... Archer.

Meanwhile With Azul And Lapis


on the top of an mountain

Azul: So what are we here for.

Lapis: Can we not stargaze every now and then?

Azul: Fair, Hey I wanted to talk to you actually

Lapis: What's up

Azul: What would happen to you when you die? like where would you go?

Lapis: (giggles) I would be with you silly, remember... We're soul bounded. So I'm basically stuck with you forever.

Azul: (lies down, staring at the stars) I don't think you understand, how much I don't want to lose you.

Lapis: (Lies her head down on his chest) And I don't think you understand, I'll Become you before I lose you.

Lapis sits up for a minute, putting her hands on her head

Lapis: Fuck

Azul: What's wrong?

Lapis: We got to get back to the bar

Azul: Alright, lets go then.

Lapis: wait, I wanna do something before we go.

Azul: Okay what's u-

Lapis grabs Azul's face and starts making out

an hour later


Azul and lapis makes it back to the bar to see Ty and Lapis M.I having a deep talk

Ty: (Laughing at the joke Lapis M.I made) Ahhh Azul, I've been waiting for you.

Azul: I'm sorry, but do I know you.

Ty: Oh no, But I do you. Now tell me... Where's my brother?

Azul: That guy is your brother? Well, trust, I would love to give him back... I just need some info out of him-

Ty: NO, That's not how this is going to work. (A white holy like armor starts forming on his body) You Will tell where he is, and You Will give him to me. If not, I really would have no choice in blowing this bar up and taking your head with it.

Lapis: I'm sorry, but I just can't let that happen. you will fight both of us if that's the case.

Ty: So be it...


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