113 Not A Good Time To Be Punished - Sophia's POV

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Well, what can I say? The happiness didn't last for long.

I fiddle with my skirt nervously, dipping my chin slightly so as not to put my shamefaced countenance on display. Oliver and Zander are by my side. Oliver taps his fingers on the armrest of his chair, radiating impatience and apprehension at the same time. Zander slumps in his chair with his knees splayed apart excessively, reflecting Sebastian's scowl.

''I lack words for what you said and how you treated Ms Bell,'' Sebastian enunciates, his voice blended with disappointment and repulsion. ''I can't believe you said all of this to her.'' He glances down at the notebook on his desk where the incident is written in detail, sliding his pen over the offensive utterances and repeated disobedience.

''That's how we felt when she was being a mardy cow, sir,'' Zander says bluntly. ''She's never grumpy or stern.''

''Right, but then we looked back on it, and we noticed that she's slowly becoming a bit more authoritative and strict,'' I elaborate.

''Yes, she's gaining confidence and trying to be a decent teacher after a long time of letting her students wipe the floor with her,'' Sebastian says. ''It does not justify your objectionable behaviour.''

''We tried to cheer her up with some banter, sir,'' Oliver says.

''That so-called banter was lewd and appallingly disrespectful and nowhere near acceptable. And then, you refused to leave class,'' Sebastian growls, ''That incident cost you a few days in isolation and a rather severe caning–"

I interject, ''I can't take the caning because it will mess up my healed yet not entirely healed tattoo.''

''I know, and I will use the slipper on you instead,'' Sebastian says. ''Nonetheless, the punishments are undiscussable.''

''Sir, you really can't punish me today because, after this, I'm going to Dad's party. And if I get there in a low mood and appear to be uncomfortable, Dad and his friends will make a mockery out of me,'' Oliver says, exaggerating to gain sympathy from the evil creature as usual. ''It's his turn to host the unofficial class reunion, and Dad and his mates were and are relentless bullies.''

''Is that the party I've been invited to?'' Sebastian asks.

''You won't be invited for much longer if you decide to thrash my ass, sir,'' Oliver replies smartly. ''Seriously, it's the worst time ever for a caning.''

Sebastian looks at Oliver mistrustfully. ''You make up stories every time.''

''This is not a made-up story, sir! Dad and his friends from school have a reunion every 5th year, and this time, it's Dad's turn to host it, and you know it's a party since you've been invited!''

''Yes, I believe that, but I doubt they are relentless bullies. They give me the impression of being the ones who got relentlessly bullied–'' Sebastian slips out.

''That's an inside thought!'' I exclaim.

Sebastian flashes a cheeky little smile that I have the luck to glimpse while the boys laugh themselves hoarse. He clears his throat to regain the boys' attention. ''It might have been an inside thought. I just mean, I can't imagine Harry and George being relentless bullies."

''I will tell my dad you said that if you proceed to punish me today, sir!"

''I'm sure your father will be proud when he and his friends hear what you said to Ms Bell,'' Sebastian says wryly.

''Oh, sir,'' Oliver exhales. ''You've never eavesdropped on Grandad's gang on Friday nights or Dad when he's trollied with his friends.''

''I'm not interested in that,'' Sebastian says flatly.

''No, you can go home before the banter escalates,'' Oliver says. ''That is; if you don't cane me today. You're not invited if you do, sir.''

I quickly lean closer to Oliver, whispering, ''I lowkey want to hear your frigid dad tell lewd jokes,'' and sit back upright, hearing Oliver chuckle in my right ear.

Sebastian shakes his head in dislike, eyes on us two. ''Let's proceed,'' he rolls back on his chair.

''Yeah, but not if that means getting caned. Seriously, I don't want to go to a party after a caning. I will take it on Monday, instead, sir,'' Oliver pleads.

Sebastian stands up, ranging his gaze over the three of us thoughtfully. ''...Would you rather take a caning first thing in the morning and then sit in isolation all day?''

We nod simultaneously.

''Yes, sir!" Oliver exclaims optimistically. "I can't party after a brutal caning!''

''Agreed, sir,'' Zander says, and I repeat.

Sebastian sits down again. ''Okay,'' he says blankly.

I must say; I am a bit surprised at him agreeing to this. Well, I'm more than a bit surprised. ''What's the catch?'' I query, looking suspiciously at him as he rolls back to his desk.

''You will have to come to school 20 minutes early, or we won't have time.''

We sigh subtly, and Zander mutters something I don't catch, but we ultimately, somewhat grudgingly agree.

''And you still have to stay for detention this afternoon,'' Sebastian adds.

''We got that,'' Zander groans...

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