115 Easter Prank - Sophia's POV

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Sebastian confiscated mine, Jasper and Oliver's phones in class today. He thought the phones were disruptive, and we begged to differ. Or we wanted to. We didn't dispute because what we wanted most of all was not to endure the remaining classes on a sore ass.

The tedious schoolday is thankfully over, and we have, with our beloved phones clasped in our hands, made our way to Oliver's residence.

Going from sprawling listlessly in a beanbag to sitting bolt upright because I was suddenly filled with eagerness; is how powerful Jasper's words can be. He just shared a mischievous idea, which is partly a way to take revenge on Sebastian for confiscating our phones, and partly a prank suitable for the season. Easter.

His plan is simple yet splendid; we will take numerous random items from Sebastian at school, put them in easter eggs and hide them around the school.

Oliver radiates enthusiasm before even saying anything. ''I think that's brilliant!'' he exclaims.

Jasper beams, hearing our approval and readiness.

''Is there any way we could get into school in the evening to access our corridor and all the rooms?'' I ask. ''We could hide eggs in his supply room and the fridge, and also nick a few things from his drawers and cabinets.''

''I wish we had an egg big enough to hide a cane in,'' Jasper says, eliciting a hearty blast of laughter among us. ''...Should we go shopping for eggs now?'' he asks, his voice slightly husky from the laughter. ''Before the shops close.''

''I got some easter eggs in the attic that we can fetch while we contemplate how to get into school at night!'' Oliver calls, pushing himself off the sofa.


When Oliver said he had some easter eggs in store, I thought he might have a smaller shoebox with ones he's saved from prior years. Oh no, I was wrong. He possesses two jumbo moving boxes filled to the brim with different-sized, multi-coloured eggs.

''That's enough to hide all his belongings,'' I quip.

''Maybe we shouldn't use all of this,'' Oliver muses, swaying his eyes over the boxes. ''One box might be enough–''

''I think one box is too much,'' Jasper chimes in.

''I agree. Maybe half of it,'' I say. ''Does he even have that many things to hide? Can I bring a few home and hide his socks and ties in?'' My characteristic naughty smile grows on my face, Oliver meeting me with a mischievous grin and support. I crouch on the dusty floor, unzipping my bag and hold it wide open as Oliver tilts the large box to pour out some eggs. Hopefully, Sebastian won't pay attention to my bulging bag and suspect anything when he picks me up later.

We crack on. Jasper carries one of the boxes while Oliver gushes about a strategy to access the school at night. It requires his dad's assistance, and through our search to find him in this imposing manor, we get a free workout.

By the time we catch him outside at the end of the huge lawn playing with the ferrets, we are breathless and flushing. The evening breeze makes me feel even warmer. Nonetheless, the cool wind feels pleasant on my hot skin.

''...Did you not learn anything the time you pulled that prank on me?'' Harry asks Oliver, unimpressed by our idea.

Oliver shakes his head, his face fairly amused. ''That was fun!''

''No, and I'm not putting that man through the same stress I went through that time,'' Harry declares. ''End of story.''

Oliver tuts. ''Debbie really has a bad influence on you.''

''I didn't help you when you said 'fuck you' to him, or any time you actually insulted him with so-called banter,'' Harry counters. ''I'm going to warn him about this–''

''You do not snitch, Dad!'' Oliver blusters, giving us a little laugh. ''I swear I will tell Grandad everything you did to me. You can forget about the rats, jet and the money you believe you will inherit will go to me, instead,'' he says hotly. ''And I will utterly bash you in my book.''

Harry cocks an eyebrow. "Are you threatening me?''

''If that's what it takes for you to wise up and not snitch on your son and his friends!''

''When Holling gets back at you; you can go to Grandad and whine about it,'' Harry retorts.

Oliver groans and diverts to the house. Jasper and I hurry after him as he bounds onwards. We walk upstairs and almost across the entire manor again until we reach the musical area. Here, we find Alfie at the grand piano and another old gentleman sorting a pile of sheet music. We receive lusty greetings, and when they discover the box, their eyes pop and gleam with curiosity.

We tell them the prankish plan and how Harry refused to help us. Neither one of the seniors deprecates us, though Alfie warns us of the trouble we may get in. However, he is ready to help if we are willing to take the risk.


We were very much willing to take the risk.

I tuck Mr Hollingworth's laptop charger finely to fit it into an egg whilst Jasper rolls post-it notes to fit into his egg and Oliver pops the lid on the egg he's hidden all chalk but one in. We've built a heap of eggs on Sebastian's desk that will be hidden around the classroom.

This is just the start.

We wave to smiling Alfie, who guards the corridor, as we hurry across the corridor into the lounge.

Jasper shakes the egg with staples like a maraca before putting it in the fridge. Oliver grabs Sebastian's tea from the cabinet and squeezes the tea bags in an egg, putting the empty pack back where it stood. I take a walk around the table, browsing the room for something to take. A lot of the stuff in here are things we use daily, but I find his small calendar that I am able to roll up and put in an egg - an egg that I hide behind a plant in the window.

The boys bring the eggs yet to be hidden to the supply room where they scatter them out. Meanwhile, I take the calculators on the shelf, stack them in a jumbo egg and bring it with me. Our next stop is the classrooms two stairs down...

In the maths classroom, we hunt down every calculator we can find and fill another jumbo egg with them. This will leave him no choice but to allow us to use our phones in class!

In the English classroom, a pile of tedious practice sheets awaits to be folded and stuffed in an egg. When I've gotten the papers in, I grab a marker from his desk and stick it into the middle before popping the lid on.

The History classroom loses all its whiteboard markers and magnets, and we clear his desk of supplies.

Then, we spread out the eggs over the different classrooms, mixing them so the English stuff is in the Maths classroom and so on.

Because we don't hate him, the last thing we do is hide one egg filled with sweets and chocolate in his desk drawer.

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