118 Pick Your Punishment - Sophia's POV

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"...I wish everyone a nice Easter weekend, and we will see each other again on Monday," Sebastian speaks to the class solemnly. ''Jasper, Oliver and Sophia, stay for a bit, please."

Our fellow classmates stream out of the classroom. It's tempting to merge into the crowd and sneak out with them, but since Sebastian stands by the door; it will remain a fantasy in our heads. I don't know why he would want to hold us after class. We behaved well and were only given one warning for whispering during a tedious presentation. That's less than some other students.

We sigh, the air around us filling with disquietude as we wait by our desks, not knowing what to expect. The fact that we haven't been pointed out as the culprits of the easter prank starts to dawn at the edge of my consciousness. Is it about that? Sebastian hasn't uttered a word about it or given any hints that he suspects us, though.

Sebastian motions the last student out and shuts the door before turning to us. ''...Don't look so dejected! I have a present for you!'' he says, oddly optimistic as he strides back to his desk.

We watch him bring out a rattan basket, adorned with yellow bows, full of plastic eggs in various colours. He beckons us to come to his desk, and though we are a little suspicious, we walk over to him. We heard our mates getting easter eggs from him, so maybe it's nothing too bad.

He shakes the basket, the eggs jumbling. ''Pick five eggs. One of each colour and wait to open them until you all get yours.'' He reaches the basket to Jasper who sticks his hand in to randomly pick one red, one yellow, one blue, one orange and one purple egg. Then Oliver and I collect our eggs, bringing them to a desk in the front row. ''You may open them now.''

I grasp my purple egg to commence the unboxing, yanking off the top lid. The first thing I see is one wrapped caramel. How generous. The caramel lies on top of a round paper note with wonky edges. I peek at my mates' eggs, and they look similar to

Oliver flicks the note aside to uncover the somewhat heavy, rustling thing hiding underneath—a bit of uncooked rice in plastic wrap. I do the same with mine and discover the exact same contents. I look questioningly at Sebastian who instructs us to read the notes. It looks like he has taken Post-it notes and cut them to fit the eggs. What kind of man is this? When has he had time to tinker with this?

''My note says 8, sir,'' Jasper says. ''Does it mean I get another 8 eggs or caramels?'' He grins impishly.

I check my note, saying 6. I peek at the note from Oliver's red egg. It simply says 'lines' with no numbers.

Sebastian neither answers yes or no nor gives us any clue what the numbers might indicate. ''Open the rest of them.''

We crack on and open our next egg. The second egg contains exactly the same stuff, and I'm starting to feel like this is some wicked prank.

''Mine says 'skirt/trousers'." I look askance at Sebastian, holding my blue egg in one hand and the note in my right hand.

''Mine says 'phone','' Jasper says, fidgeting with his red egg.

''My yellow egg says 'hand','' Oliver says.

Sebastian provides us with no clues, encouraging us to go on.

The third egg has the caramel and uncooked rice in it as well. However, it's the notes that we are most interested in reading. My orange egg says '60 minutes', and so do Jasper's and Oliver's eggs. We look with puzzled faces at our teacher who only prompts us to carry on. His face is blank with no sardonic smirk or an angry scowl to expose this as a wicked prank. It must be a prank, but how wicked it is; I don't know yet...

We are not amused by the time we have opened all our eggs. I look down at my eggs and their belonging notes that I lined up. The notes say: 6, skirt/trousers, lunch, 60 minutes, cane.

Sebastian has written a description on the whiteboard for us to interpret our 'presents'. The random numbers in the purple and orange eggs equal the number of hits and time in detention. We all got an hour in detention but a different number of hits. The blue egg determines if we get it over our trousers and skirts, or underwear. The red egg contained our second punishment in addition to the corporal punishment.

In Jasper's case, he will get his phone confiscated. Oliver will have to write lines, and I have lunch detention. The yellow egg decided which implement to be used. Jasper got the slipper, and I had the bad luck to get the cane. 'Hand' like Oliver's note said, means he's getting his palms tawsed.

Sebastian's sardonic little smirk appears on his face when he watches our flustered reactions, and it rouses the urge to throw my eggs at him. If it wasn't for me already being sentenced to a caning and detention, I'd allow myself to fall for the temptation.

''Did you believe I couldn't figure out it was you? Did you believe you would get away with what you did?'' he snickers, whilst we merely gawp at him. ''Let's go upstairs then.''

Speechless with dismay, we follow him...

The next chapter can be read on Ream for free! The link is on my profile.

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