117 Unfair Spanking - Zander & Sophia's POV

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Zander's POV

I flop down into the passenger seat and slam the door shut. I'm not angry, but I'm not in the best mood, either, after straining myself for an hour not to lash out at Ms Bell. ''You alright, Downton Abbey?'' I look at Alexander.

He hums and leans closer to kiss me. ''Look at this.'' He reaches into the backseat, grabbing a plastic easter egg. ''Bella came to the library and gave me this,'' he says, and I watch him impatiently as he uses an overly cautious technique to open the egg. ''See this?'' He tilts it a notch. ''She's mental!''

I look at it, not immediately grasping why he is so upset. ''Is it expired vegan chocolate?'' I muse.

He exclaims, ''No, it's rabbit droppings, for fuck's sake!'' and forcefully attaches the top lid to the egg.

I crack up, laughing harshly. ''I should've thought about that! It would be perfect to give Ms Bell who isn't getting any less cunty!" I gush. "Actually, can I have it and run inside with it for her?'' I try to snatch it, but he draws it back.

''I thought I'd give it to Sebastian,'' he whispers with a gleam of mischief in his eyes. ''He thinks I'm immature and undesirable already.''

I consider his idea for a moment. It'd get him in trouble before the fun starts, but that risk is reduced if we do it my way. ''I have a better idea,'' I smirk.


Sophia's POV

"Hiya..." I stick my head out, facing Alexander. He stands rather stiffly with his hands behind his back, which I'd say is typical for him. He's stiffer than Sebastian—something I thought was impossible before meeting Alexander. "Sebastian isn't home yet,'' I say casually.

''Well, would you be so kind as to give him this for me then?'' He brings his hands forward, revealing the blue plastic egg he's been holding behind his back. ''Please, don't open it before giving it to him,'' he says and hands it to me.

I nod, clasping the egg. ''You got nothing for me?'' I ask cheekily.

''I'm afraid not,'' he says and steps back, calling out, ''Enjoy your evening!'' before turning his back on me and hurrying to his car.

''Ah well, you too!''

I lock the door before running back to the living room with the egg and nestle on the swing. Sebastian should be home in half an hour, which is like an episode of the TV show I was watching until Alexander rang on the door...

When I eventually hear Sebastian come home, I scramble around on the swing to meet him with an elfish smile. ''This is for you!'' I exclaim as he enters the living room. I jiggle the egg in my hand, aiming at him. "Catch!"

I sigh, Sebastian snatching the egg before I get to fire it. ''Thank you, little Soph,'' he coos. ''I'd love some chocolate after that tedious staff meeting.''

"Me too," I giggle softly, watching him open the egg.

His pleased expression abruptly shifts into dissatisfaction once the egg is open.

''No chocolate?'' I assume not when I see him close it and drop it, my eyes following it to the floor. Before the egg has even touched the floor, he grabs me by my hip and lets a flurry of spanks fall on me. ''It was from Alex!'' I yell.

My squeaky assertion makes him stop spanking me, but he slides his hand onto my back to keep holding me down. ''Do explain,'' he cues, his voice mistrustful.

''He came by to deliver it and told me to give it to you since you weren't home yet,'' I tell him, wriggling under his hand.

He presses my back down slightly harder to stop me from worming away. ''Alex? Why would he give me an easter egg?'' he questions.

''I don't know,'' I whine. ''To be nice after being a twat, maybe? What's wrong with it?''

He raises an eyebrow, ''You don't know?''

''No, it wasn't me! I promise!'' I plead, ''Those smacks were unfair!''

He leans down to pick up the egg, opens it and tilts the container for me to see. ''Is this Alexander's making, or a bratty prank from you? I don't appreciate it.''

My eyes pop wide open, and I wince in disgust. ''Eww! What the hell?! Alex, of course!'' I exclaim. ''I would never fill an egg with rabbit shit and give it to you! Where would I even get that? Alex lives on Bella's farm and has access to tons of animal shit.''

''Do you believe he's the type to do something so filthy?''

''Do you believe I'm the type?'' I counter, a tiny bit offended.

''When you're in your bratty headspace, you are capable of outrageous things,'' he remarks, still unconvinced of my innocence.

''Maybe, but not that,'' I grimace. ''That's fucking gross! Call him if you don't believe me!'' If he calls him to verify, will Alexander admit it, though? He would probably blame me if this was some vicious trick to get me in trouble. ''You know, I haven't been to Bella's, who's the only one I know owns rabbits. Also, that's such a boyish thing to do, and I'm not a boy.''

''Well..." he drones, tapping his fingers on my back. ''Let's leave this behind for now.'' He lets me go, and I swiftly sit up, hugging my knees in.

''I can't believe you think I'm that disgusting and immaturely weird,'' I huff, furrowing my brows as I look up at him. ''I should get to slap you now, or it's unfair."

''No, but I can give you a chocolate egg before and after dinner,'' he offers. "They are meant to be saved for this weekend, but we can make a little exception."

''I should get at least 10. One for each smack!'' I insist. I'm not sure if I got exactly 10 smacks, but I think 10 is a good amount for chocolate eggs. "Please,'' I pout, fluttering my eyelids.

''You will not get 10 chocolate eggs before dinner,'' he enunciates, his voice a lot sterner. ''Go, fold your laundry and think about what happened on Christmas when you gobbled up all sweets for breakfast.''

''I already took care of my laundry,'' I lie, looking away like the guilty person I am. Ugh! If I look at him, I will giggle, instead, and that won't give a better impression.

He fishes for my chin, navigating it upwards to attain eye contact. ''If I go upstairs to check your room and see a jumble of clothes, I will give you more than 10 smacks. That might be a 10-minute spanking,'' he admonishes me, and I cringe internally, feeling a blush mount on my cheeks.

I jerk my chin free and let my head hang down because I can't bear facing him when I'm blushing. ''Well, I will go upstairs, but that's because I don't enjoy your vibe. You're getting hangry or something,'' I mumble as I scramble off the swing.

He lets out a displeased hum. ''That's what I thought.''

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