Chapter Three

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I woke up with a groan,my head feels like it's going to explode. Opening my eyes i was instantly blinded by the light.

"I'm never drinking again." I groaned as I felt like my head was too heavy for my body.

"That's what you also say," Boity chuckles as she looks at the current state I'm in."You look like shit."

I huffed, "I look and feel like shit," I respond as I take a seat opposite of her.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" She reminds me as she puts pancakes on plates and go get juice from the refrigerator.

"What's happening today?" I ask her. I look down at my plate before taking a mouthful bite of my syrup drenched pancake. "You have a meeting with your father with regards to your arranged marriage."

"Shit! I honestly forgot about that," I respond still looking down. "but it doesn't matter whether I go or not nothing is gonna change I'm still going to get married to someone I don't know and love."

"But friend you know you can still change your decision." She says promoting me to return my gaze to her while she searches my eyes like she's trying to get an answer.

"If I could I would but ha ho bonolo hakaalo." I said, shaking her head in disbelief stroking my arm in support.

"So anyways how was London did you meet any cute guys there." I query, hoping she would drop this topic of my marriage.

When I told Boitumelo about me getting married and how it came about she wasn't very fond of the idea infact she was livid. She was angry at my father, she was angry at me for agreeing to this.

But like I told her we didn't have a choice it was either this or we die. As much she understood why I had to do this she doesn't like any of this and she won't pretend to be okay.

"London was great and overall I did meet a guy he's nice and sweet." She smiles as she explains about the mysterious guy.

"I'm happy for you Boity." I squeal making her blush. We spent the whole day indoors nursing our hangover until it was time for her to leave. These are the type of moments i cherish the most with her.

Now since I'm going to become a Makoti I don't know if I'll have this type of moments with her. I didn't even go to that stupid meeting and dad has been blowing my phone.


The front door of my house opens without a single knock.

"So I won't be around the office for a couple of days so I need you to cover all of the remaining surgeries for me ." I say seeing papa walk into the kitchen looking like hell like he hasn't slept in months.

"Okay doc I'll do so hope you feel be better soon." She says before the call was cut.

Papa exhales deeply. There's a long pause before he finally speaks. "I'm sorry my daughter for all of this when you didn't show up for the meeting I knew you were not taking the news very well." He says eyes downturned.

I mean what did he expect, did he think that I'll be running around naked happy that I'm signing my life into prison.

My vision blurs. I bury my face in my hands. How did it happen so quickly? One I was a simple doctor living a simple but who was I fooling there's nothing as simple in my world.

♕ ♕ ♕
I drive to the only place whereby I feel at peace. I arrived at the cemetery where my mom's buried.

"Hi mom I'm here to tell you that I'm getting married." I say

I bend down and put flowers on the grave. "Infact ke arranged marriage I agreed to this marriage because it was the only way to keep us safe but then it's like I just signed my life away." I say.

"I wish you were here to advice or guide on how to deal with this," I say as my welled up with eyes.

"Empa ke se ke holile hona joale 'me ke tla sebetsana le sena ka tsela ea ka." I say, my voice cracking.

"Kea u rata Mama kego tshepisa hore ke tla hwetsa tsela ya go tswa go se." I say as I walk back to my car getting ready to go back home.

I finally get home I go to my room and head out to the balcony. I take a packet of cigarettes and begin to smoke. Am I smoking as doctor even though I know how bad cigarettes are? Yes I know, do I care no.

Our lives hang on this marriage. Literally. And I'm the reason why we aren't dead right now. The price for my families safety is me. As long I'm in this marriage they won't lay a single finger on their head.

It's time for me to grow up. I've spent my whole life working as surgeon, and having all this freedom to enjoy but I'd never enjoy life if my family isn't around-I'll do whatever it takes to keep the safe and alive.

That's how far I'll go for my family.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Drama is reloading

It's very admirable of what khumo is doing even though it's costing her own happiness

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