Meet, not so much Greet...

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I opened my eyes and gasped for breath. I looked around cautiously as it came flooding back to me. Images of fire and burning. My parents, dying as I screamed. It was the same dream almost every night. For the past twelve years. Yet, every night they died from something new, last night it had been a rock-slide. I shook and curled tighter, dreading having to leave.

Homeroom. I slid into my seat next to Kaylee. The classroom looked the same as it had for the past nine years of my life, dated posters hung on the walls and desks arranged in haphazard rows.  "Hey, you okay?" she whispered. I forced a smile as Mrs. Dupont cut in.

"Okay, class, we have a new student," I looked up curiously. Usually they come at the beginning of the year. I couldn't stand the newbies. Eleven or twelve-year-olds who were bratty and cocky. They had their powers for three years and thought they were the next superman. I used to feel bad for them, being new to the school and everything, but rarely was there one who deserved any pity. The weak ones. The ones whose powers would never have any potential. It was terrible to watch them try to grow.

But the boy who walked in behind Mr. Drake. was nothing like them. The first thing I noticed was his hands were in a subtle fighting position, the scars on his knuckles proved his point. He was tall and old. He was at least seventeen, unless his power had to do with time. I shuddered in memory of Andy. The poor boy's power let him stop time, but he kept aging. He looked at least thirty by the time he graduated with a class of seventeen to twenty-year-olds.
More of a curse, if you ask me, like mine.

I overheard someone say his name was Kyle Adams, and I watched as everyone stared at him. People gawked whenever something happened. That's all he was, something that happened, just more drama. As far as I was concerned, he was already old news. Until I saw him with Ryan Drake

Becoming- Everhart High Book oneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum