Chapter 20 (Brian)

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"You have got to be shittin' me."

I almost winced at her tone but forced myself to stand tall, keeping a neutral expression on my face. What did I expect? That she'd grace me with her gorgeous smile and usher me inside?


I wasn't one for nerves, but it was difficult not to squirm under Maria's withering glare. Her blue eyes narrowed into slits, and her pink-painted mouth pinched in annoyance was enough to shrink a lesser man's balls. Good thing that man wasn't me - although my anatomy was affected for another reason.

I met Maria's stare head-on and tried not to notice how fucking beautiful she was first thing in the morning. Tried and failed.

"Good morning." I was proud of how steady my voice was.

Annoyed air puffed out of her nose as she shifted her handbag from one arm to the other. "What are you doing here?"

Undeterred by her attitude, I held out the hot drinks. "Bringing you coffee." I gave her my best charming smile.

Her typically expressive eyes betrayed nothing as they lowered briefly to my offering, her mouth twisting again. Instead of taking the tray, she opened her bag and fished around before producing a set of keys. My gut dropped at how dismissive she was, but I still held my ground. I hoped that if I stood around like a tool long enough, she'd take pity on me.

So far, it wasn't working. But that was okay. I was thoroughly engrossed in watching her mundane work routine. Maria's shiny hair shimmered in the morning light and my hungry gaze roamed her features, starved for the sight of her. Her beautiful dark locks were getting longer, now brushing well past the smooth curve of her collarbone. She was dressed in an off-white outfit that curved her sexy body like a glove. Short shorts with a cute bow tied in the front, a top that barely covered the smooth expanse of her lower stomach, and a long blazer that touched the bottom of her shorts. Fuck, she was a vision, and I felt like an ogre standing there in my scuffed-up work boots, ripped faded jeans, and an old rugby shirt.

Continuing to ignore my presence, Maria brushed past me and started opening the locks on her salon door.

"Maria -"

"I didn't answer any of your calls, didn't reply to any of your texts," she ground out quietly, her movements jerky and quick. "So what does that tell you?"

"That you wanted to see me in person?"

I couldn't hide my wince as she whirled, fixing me with a glare. "You're not cute," she snapped. "I know you men think that this take-charge, I' m-Not-Gonna-Take-No-for-an-Answer act is what women want, but it's not. especially when we've made it clear where we stand."

Shame churned my stomach, and my shoulders sagged a little as the impact of her words hit me. I was also a little taken aback by her firey tone. I knew things didn't end well between us, but it didn't end badly enough to warrant such animosity. I must've really hurt her.

"Maria, I'm sorry. You're right. You made it clear you didn't want to talk to me. I just wanted to reach out and explain some things to you."

Ignoring my words, she turned back around and pushed the door open before disappearing inside. I watched it close slowly behind her, leaving me standing there like an idiot. She moved around inside, disarming the alarm and switching on lights. Again, a lesser man would've tucked tail and run, but I still stood firm, praying she would come back out to talk or tell me to go away. I'd take anything at this point.

Through the window I spied her picking up a sandwich board before turning her back to the door, her delectable ass pressing against the glass. Belatedly, I realized she was trying to push the door open with her back. Quickly balancing the hot coffee, I rushed forward to hold the door open for her, although she was already half out. I continued to feel redundant.

Maria Undoneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें