Chapter 13

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Huge thanks to Ahmed and Garrett for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[3rd Pov] [Location - ??????]

After the complete obliteration of the training dummy, Gwen was led around the hidden base, getting shown all the little rooms, as well as her own room, for when she wishes to stay there. She had also been shown how to use the training area, and the different settings for it. She couldn't use it just yet, as it definitely needed another upgrade or two, but when it was finished, it would be there and ready.

Besides that, Gwen had decided on staying the night in the new base, as she wanted to get used to the space, as she had a feeling she was going to be staying there a lot more from now on.

Sitting in her bed, within her room, that was also a perfect copy of her room in the Wayne manor, Gwen pulled up her 'Status' now that she was properly alone.

< | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | >
| Status |
Name - Gwendolyn "Gwen" Stacy Wayne
Species - Enhanced Human (Symbiote Bonded)
Gender - Female
Age - 17

SL Characters - Ghost Spider, Silk, Daredevil, Deathstroke, Orphan, Toxin, Moon Knight, Captain America, Spiderman (616), Spiderman (1610), Richard Dragon, Nightwing, Green Arrow, Catwoman, Baki.

Completed Quests - 10
Ongoing Quests - 0

Current Universe - Young Justice (Slight AU)
Multiverse Travel - Available
< | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | >

'Huh...neat. System, use that SL ticket please' Gwen thought, deciding to claim her ticket now, rather than waiting. She had a feeling that it would be her last one for quite some time, so she wasn't going to wait.

[Character Chosen!]
Prometheus - DC Prime Earth
A twisted mirror image of Batman. A truly dangerous man who is intellectually on par with Batman and Lex Luthor, making him one of the smartest beings on Earth. He has a master degree in physics, biology, algebra, technology, history, and religion. He is also a tactical genius, who had over a thousand plans to escape any situation, or defeat any metahuman. Includes his immense knowledge, skill, intellect, and all other helpful/important abilities.

[Assimilate?] [Y/N]

'...this is pretty good. I would have preferred something else, as I am already pretty damn smart because of Peter, but this is still good for me. At least now, tactically I will be one of the best in the entire Young Justice universe' Gwen thought with a sigh. She could have gotten much better, but this wasn't too bad.

Pressing on [Y] she flinched as she felt a sharp headache. However, unlike before, her mental capabilities were more than enough to handle the new influx of memories. Just as her body was resilient enough to withstand the new instinct being ingrained within her very body.

As the pain finally began to cease, Gwen rolled her arms slightly, shaking off the pain. 'That wasn't nearly as bad as last time' Gwen thought, as she got to her feet.

The knowledge she had obtained was a lot better than she was expecting and was frankly...terriying. The man had a LOT of plans, escape plans, ideas, and knowledge. To the point that she doubted Batman had this many. The guy had escape plans, backup plans, and a shit ton more, for literally every League hero, and all their villains, and even normal people. His different Master degree knowledge was good too, not to mention his knowledge on languages, and the other helpful crap the man had.

Getting to her feet, Gwen walked and began to leave her room. The new knowledge was neat, and definitely helpful, but was far from as good as some of her previous assimilations.

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