Chapter 23

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Huge thanks to Devin and Dennis for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[3rd Pov] [Location - Mount Justice]

After returning from the mission, the group had went there separate ways. Artemis and Dick returned to Gotham, Kaldur back to wherever he lived, Wally back to his home, and the last three chilling back at the Mountain.

Currently, Gwen was sitting in her room, thinking over and scanning through the new knowledge she has obtained thanks to her new [Toxin Swarm] as she has dubbed it.

The swarms ability was the same as that of it's technological predecessor, except it was faster, tied to the symbiote itself, pretty much untrackable - except through magic - and a host of other uses that she was sure she could find in the future.

Thanks to this new swarm, Gwen had a whole host of ideas for the future. Especially in regards to future worlds, like Marvel, Invincible, and the other worlds she planned on visiting in the future.

'Hmm, seems most of the knowledge they gathered is research related. Not as much weapon schematics as I was expecting. Most of the weapons that they did get, aren't all that impressive, compared to what I could make if given enough time' Gwen thought with a sigh, finding the knowledge the Shadows were gathering, to be a bit underwhelming, and kinda useless.

'I guess the plus side of this, is that I can fill in any gaps in my knowledge with ease' Gwen thought with a shrug, knowing this could be used to get a lot more knowledge than what she already possessed.

Use the Swarm to absorb 5 different databases of knowledge
Reward - 1 SL ticket

'Hmm, that's...easy. I already have a few in mind, most of them being rather easy to get to, I just need to do it discreetly' Gwen thought with a small smirk.

The databases in question, were the Lexcorp databases, the Cadmus databases, and a few other less than good companies, primarily ones related to the Light, and the Shadows. Lexcorp and Cadmus were the two most important ones, as they both had a lot to give, and little either groups could do to her. As long as she was safe and smart, at least.

'For now though, I think it'd be best to just...sleep' Gwen thought, as her eyes slowly fluttered to a close, as she allowed the warmth of Morpheus to overtake her.


[Quite some time later]

Days had passed since the mission had been finished, with a bit happening during time.

For one, Gwen and M'gann had went on a couple more dates during tha time, sadly none of them ended in a kiss like the first one, much to Gwen's disappointment. She still enjoyed every single moment of those dates though, and Gwen was easily noticing the looks M'gann was giving her.

Besides that, Gwen had continued to train her abilities, mostly her spider sense and offensive spider sense.

The ability she focused the most on during this time, was the swarm itself. The ability was...useful, very very useful. Getting the quest done for the five databases was quite easy, as she ended up sneaking into different Lexcorp labs and getting 4 of them, before getting the last one by consuming the database of a hidden company used by the Shadows in order to make some money.

The knowledge gained from the databases, was quite useful, and had a LOT of blackmail material inside.

She hadn't used the SL ticket immediately, as she wanted to use it a little later, before the next mission, which was a rather important one, as it was related to Doctor Fate himself. A dangerous magic user, and one of the most powerful.

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