Chapter 17: A New Guest

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The fiancee walks to Alfea's main entrance holding hands. A ring now rests on Sitara's finger. Sitara made a duplicate ring for Palladium. The two stop at the entrance and look at each other. Sparks of flames float through.

"Today-" Palladium started, but was cut off by the sound of the rustling of the bushes. Sitara and Palladium turn at the sound.

A figure steps foot out of the bushes. A chocolate-scrawny girl steps one foot out of the bushes before collapsing in front of the couple.

"Huh?" Sitara swiftly reaches the girl's side and drops to her knees. Palladium arrived shortly behind her. Sitara looks up at Palladium.

"Looks like we won't be able to rest tonight." Palladium smiled warily at his girlfriend.

Sitara looks back at the fallen girl. A small object drops out of the girl's hair.


Sitara picks up the object.

"A pixie?" Palladium crouched, next to Sitara.

"What is this pixie doing here?" Sitara wonders.

"Come on, let's get her inside." Sitara stands up.

Palladium lifts the girl inside and signals to Sitara to walk ahead.

A few days have passed since the couple found the exhausted girl in the forest.

"It has been a few days, poor girl. She is probably exhausted." Sitara talks to Palladium as they walk down the corridor.

"Indeed, I would love to continue to chat with you, but this is my stop." Palladium said, stopping outside a big green door.

Sitara nods, wishing her fiance a short 'see you later'.

Sitara continues walking, ahead until she reaches a door with a sign on top. It reads, 'Nurse office'. Sitara pushes open the door.

On the nurse's bed lies a black girl with brown hair, wearing comfortable pajamas. It seemed like the nurse had changed her.

Sitara sits on the stool next to the bed.

The young girl's eyes start to switch. The girl was waking up.

"Uh," The girl placed a hand on her head. She tries to sit up. "Don't stress yourself, you just woke up after a 4-day coma." Sitara gets up from her seat and helps the young girl to sit up and face her.

"Excuse me, how many days did you say I was asleep?"

"4 days."

The brown-haired girl's eyes widened. "What?"

"Piff! Where's Piff?" The girl exclaimed.

Sitara raises her brows. "You mean the little pixie sleeping right here?"

Sitara points to the sleeping pixie on the table next to her.

"Piff!" The girl whispered and shouted.

"Thank goodness, you are safe!" The girl smiles.

Sitara held back a laugh as she heard a rumbling sound coming from someone's stomach. The young fairy holds her tummy and looks downward.

"Hungry?" Sitara raises her brow and whips out her finger. She did a little spell and made a bowl of porridge appear in the air.

"Here you go. Something light on your stomach since you just awoke." Sitara smiles.

The young girl thanks Sitara and starts eating. After a few bites, she turns to Sitara.

"So, this is a school, right?"

Sitara Fontaine in WinxKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat