Chapter 1

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i wake up to my alarm and sit up in my bed, i slowly pulled the blankets away as i groaned and stood up and begin walking to my bathroom, i start the shower water and begin getting undressed.

my shoulders tensed as i looked at myself in the mirror, i was hideous, tears formed and fell out of my eyes as i looked down at my body, my chubby stomach, thick thighs, hip dips, it was all something i hated, my friends told me i wasnt even that chubby but i never believed them they where just being nice.

i look away from the mirror and walk over to the shower and step in, the water instantly wets me and i relax, my shoulders rest and my body lets loose, i loved water, i loved swimming, i love the rain, i loved water fountains, i love when i would go outside and run in the rain and come back sick.

i loved the days you didnt care, the days you let loose and dont give a fuck about what people think, and those are the days when it rains, or the days im at a pool swimming, or at the beach poking jellyfish and picking up pretty seashells, the only days when i would smile.

the days where i was free, water was my roman empire, the one thing that could make me happy, excpet for cats, water was an escape, the cold feeling when it touched your skin, i think its the feeling of the water when i swim that gets me.

I turn off the shower stepping out and wrapping the fluffy towel around my body, as i walk to my bedroom I turn to my closet and look at my options , I could wear leggings but then my thighs would look bigger, I could wear oversized jeans but my thighs would make them not oversized anymore.

I sigh grabbing the black leggings and a hoodie, i pick up a bra and underwear and slide them on, then i throw the hoodie over my head and slide the leggings on, my thighs grew as i looked at myself in the mirror and i wanted to gag.

sighing i take my hair out of the heatless curls and brush through them with my fingers, at least my hair looked good, i put on my backpack and grab my car keys leaving my room, i could already hear my brother yelling, my sisters crying and my parents arguing.

i nod my head as i walk downstairs and see my brother sitting there with my sister in his hands as she crys, my parents are yelling at each other like always, my brother stands up and smiles at me placing the baby down as he walks towards me.

"ready to go?" i ask and he nods opening the door for me ignoring our parents, we were used to it by now, i unlock my all white 2020 Nissan and we both get in,i start my Bluetooth and play "Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey".

i pull out of my driveway and begin my way to school.


I pull into the student parking lot and turn off my car, my brother got out and walked over to his hockey team, my brother was pretty popular and had a lot of female attention from his looks and his sports choice.

i roll my eyes and get out off my car grabbing my bag, My best friend Jules gets out of her car and runs towards me with a smile, i smile back and hug her, Jules was gorgeous, blue eyes, pin straight black hair, she looked a little like younger Adriana Lima.

"Girl, have you heard about the next teacher" is the first thing she says to me as we begin walking away from the parking lot and to our school building.

"No" I said giving her a curious look and she smirked nodding her head which is telling me he is either hot and nice, or hot and a bitch.

"He's hot?" I ask and she begins nodding really fast, I smile at her as she begins jumping around as we walk into the school building.

"He teaches history" She says, me and Jules had history, gym, math, science, and English together, which is 5/7 of our classes.

"I heard he has tattoos and is pretty buff, and gorgeous eyes" she says groaning as she bends down and touches her knees, she does that when she's excited.

I giggle a little at her as we walk into the cafeteria, it is full to the brim and when me and Jules walked in a lot of people turned to eye us, well her.

I side eye people as we walk to our table and sit down, Jules sat next to her "boyfriend" who isn't her boyfriend but needs to be and I sat next to her.

My brother was sitting in front of me because this was the hockey boys table and we just always sat here, my brother held out his hand and I gave him a twenty dollar bill.

He always wanted me to pay for his food.

I grab my headphones putting them in my ear and hiding them behind my hair, I play "teachers pet, by Melanie Martinez" on loop because it's my favorite song.

I play on my phone until the bell rings and I stand up, everyone in the cafe also stands up and a crowd all try to get out but the hockeys boys push through them and me and Jules go.

"I'm so excited" Jules says and I laugh rolling my eyes, we walk into history class and the teacher isn't here yet because his seat is empty.

Me and Jules sit in our seat at the back of the class because we both hate being called on, I turn in my seat to her.

The class suddenly goes silent as the door shuts and I hear some gasps, I turn around and..oh my god.

Cafe guy is my fucking teacher.

Arabella (18+)Where stories live. Discover now