Chapter 8

91 2 8

E L E N O R A ' S P O V

TW: Suicide (this hurt my whole body to write)

The day is finally over and my body is exhausted, my brother didn't have practice today so one of his friends probably dropped him off already, i get inside my car and turn it on and begin my drive home.

i blasted loud music as i tapped the wheel to the beat, suddenly my music stops and my car starts ringing because my phone is connected to it, *Jules is calling* i click the answer button and hear her sigh.

"today drained me, girl" she said and i laugh "are you at work" i ask but my question gets answered when i hear kids running around her saying "i love you, Juley" while she giggles and tells them she loves them to.

Jules works at a daycare considering she loves taking care of people and also loves kids "yeah, the kids are really hyper today" she says laughing and i smile as i pull into my driveway and turn my phone off.

i grab my phone and hold it to my ear as i grab my keys and my bag and walk into my house, my dad isnt here or my mom but i can hear my sister upstairs crying, why isnt Milo with her, "you still there" Jules says.

"yeah im here, Lily is crying" i say walking up to my baby sisters room, when i walk into the room i walk up to her crib and place my phone down making sure to put it on speaker and pick her up, she stops crying and smiles at me.

"where is your brother huh" i say tickiling her as she laughs "im going to go yell at your brother ill be right back" i say placing her down in the crib and grabbing my phone, Jules tells me about her day as i walk to my brohers door.

as im about to open his door i see a note on it.

Im so sorry Elenora and Lily but i cant do this anymore, our life is horrible and i hate being home with this family, my hockey team has been icing me out and it all just hurts me on the outside and inside, i love you two so much, please forgive me

"No" i whisper "what?" Jules says, i grab the door knob and run in but what i see makes me scream and drop to my knees, my phone falls to the ground as i crawl over to my brother who is lying next to a bottle of pills.

"No" i yell as i feel for his pulse, Nothing, i out my hands together on top of his chest as i start doing CPR "please, Milo, please i need you i cant do any of this without you" i say as i pump his heart with my hands but nothing is working.

i blow into his mouth "NO" i scream as tears fall from my eyes blocking most of my vison "please dont leave me" i say as i blow air into his mouth then begin to pump again "HELP" i scream as i blow more air into his mouth.

"PLEASE HELP ME" I scream loudly as i put my ear to his chest to hear for a heartbeat, nothing, my whole body is shaking as Jules runs into the room but takes a step back when she sees him, she starts crying as she runs over to him.

"Milo, no, no, no" she says and we make eye contact and both begin to scream for help, i keep blowing into his mouth and i keep pumping but nothing is working "no, you cant do this to me, you cant leave me, please." i say as i hug his body.

"Elenora, hes gone" Jules says wrapping her arms around my body "No, hes not hes just resting, hes sleep" i cry and watch as Jules nods her head, Jules grabs my phone and hands it to me, i call my mom but she dosent pick up neither does my dad, Jules says the ambulance are already on there way so i make one last call and he picks up on the first ring.

"Hello?" he asks and i begin sobbing into the phone "i need you, i really really need you right now" and with that i hang up the phone and wrap myself into Jules arms as she stares at Milo's body with tears in her eyes.

a couple minutes later i hear sirens but the first person to run in is him, he looks at my brother then me and i see his face soften when he looks at me "Nora" he says walking up to me and grabbing me.

i hug his body as i sob not being able to walk nor stand, the ambulance take his body away and all three of us get into the back with him as they try to save him "how long has he been like this" the ambulance asks.

"i dont know" i whisper as i lean into Santos, his whole body is tense as he watches me cry into his chest "your going to be okay" he says running his hands through my hair as i sob, my eyes are probably puffy and my hair probably looks like a rats nest but i dont even care right now.

we arrive at the hospital and she quickly bring him into a room, my mother runs into the hospital asking for her son as she hold Lily, when her eyes meet mine she begins crying so much more.

"im so sorry, i wasnt there for you, this is all my fault" she says as she hugs me, i shake my head as i run my hands through her hair "its not your fault mommy" i whisper as we hug each other completely broken.

next, my dad runs in dressed in normal clothes and he dosent look drunk, his eyes are puffy as he joins the hug shocking both of us "im so sorry my special girls" he says hugging all three of us.

the doctor comes out and we all stare at her.

"im so sorry but we couldn't save him"

Arabella (18+)Where stories live. Discover now