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Brandy stared doomfully at the ceiling.

- Why did I deserve all this crap? Why do I need it? Why do I have to go through this. I'm so stupid, I can't die properly....

That's when Chili came running into her room.

- Brandy! You're alive!

- Yeah, and I wanted to be dead.

- W-what?

- I'm officially declaring this an attempted suicide.

- Oh, no.

- It's worth a shot, heh.

Chili slapped her older sister hard.

- Are you out of your mind? You're kidding me.

- What am I supposed to do, Chili? I'm a miserable middle-aged woman, without a husband and kids, these fucking kids I can't have. I don't know what to do...

- You're bound to find a way out.

- Maybe. Still not dead. It's a shame.

- Are you doing it again?

- No. It's just easier this way.

- No, it wouldn't. Okay, you just lie there, I have to go to work. Bye. Bye.

- I'll see you later.

Chili liked that her sister at least said "see you." At the very least, it validated her life going forward. A day later, Brandy was discharged with a psychiatric referral. The woman walked through the park and sat on a bench. She was sad. Suddenly, a woman approached her.

- Can I sit next to you?

Brandy nodded. The girl sat down next to her. She looked at the depressed Brandy and asked.

- You look very sad. Don't you need any help?

- How can you help me at all? You can't change fate...

- It's up to us.

Brandy looked at this Australian shepherd who was smiling sweetly at her.

- Well, how can you help me with my childlessness? The fact that I had a miscarriage? The fact that I was on drugs 48 hours ago and attempted suicide?

- I'm sorry to hear that. You don't mind if I give you a hug, do you?

Brandy was surprised she wanted a hug.

- No, I don't mind.

Then she hugged Brandy. And it made the red heeler feel really good.

- Feel better now?

- Yeah, thank you. But I just can't get over the death of my baby. I was so looking forward to it.

- We could talk about it.

- Well, uh. Okay, I don't mind. What's your name?

- Calypso, what's yours?

- Brandy, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you too. So you can't accept the fact that your baby died, right?

- Yeah.

- He died through no fault of your own. And you couldn't do anything then. And you can't do anything now.

- So what am I supposed to do?

- Accept it. Accept that you don't have kids, that you had a miscarriage. It's not your fault. It's just hereditary.

- I used to live for a child and a family, but now I realize I'm not gonna have one. What am I living for then?

- That depends on you and what you want. You may live to be happy like me, you may want a successful career. What do you want more than anything?

- To be happy. And I thought children would bring that to me.

- Try to find love.

- Who would love me for not having children?

- Someone who really loves you.

Brandy looked at her companion and she smiled at her. Calypso was very good at calming things down.

- I haven't said this in a long time, Calypso, but can we be friends?

- Yes, of course. Here's my number.

She handed her a phone number on a piece of paper. Brandy showed her her number on the smartphone. And they sat like that until the end of the night, and then they parted ways. But Brandy left the park happy...

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