Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: John

I was disappointed that Kate couldn't come to England, but I was happy to see her in Florida. Unfortunately, she got hurt, and I hope she makes a full recovery soon. During my trip to Florida, I had the opportunity to meet Sara, who also visited England. However, I was shocked by how rude James was to Sara.

James and Jill were still going out. James was happy that Kate was not coming to England. James was smiling all day.

"James, how can you be such a jerk?! You should not be happy that Kate was hurt! You should be ashamed of yourself!" I replied angrily.

"I am not happy that Kate was hurt. I am just glad she is not coming to England," James replied.

"Kate's uncle is still coming to England and you need to be careful. You do not want him to see you with Jill!" I warned James.

"Do not worry. I will be careful!" James replied angrily.

"I don't understand why you won't just tell Kate that you only want to be friends," I said angrily to James.

"But I told you before that my parents are forcing me to go out with her," he replied with frustration.

I decided to write to Kate and apologize for not having been in touch for a while. She wrote back, understanding my situation. However, I couldn't muster the courage to tell her the truth about who was really writing the messages. James was also too scared to tell her the truth. Later, I found out that Alex was visiting Kate, and I couldn't help but feel jealous. I feared that Kate might fall in love with him.

James arrived home feeling angry. I asked him what was wrong, and he told me that his parents had asked him to break up with Jill. They had told him that he should not be seeing Jill while he was dating Kate, which made James angry. I was also surprised by his parents' request and asked if he was going to break up with Jill. James replied that he wouldn't and that instead, he was going to see Jill secretly without his parents' knowledge. He chuckled as he said this.

The end of summer was approaching, and Kate sent me a present. I was delighted to receive a gift from Kate. Jake visited and shared that he had developed feelings for Jill, and they were now in a relationship. I was shocked to learn that Jill was seeing Jake while still involved with James. Feeling upset, I confronted Jake about Jill's relationship with James. Jake defended Jill by saying she had told him she and James were just friends. Despite knowing Jill was being dishonest, I chose not to say anything more to Jake.

After Jake left, Rose came into my room and informed me that Jill's parents are sending her to a boarding school in New York to keep her away from James. I was surprised to hear this, as Jake had recently told me that he was dating Jill. Rose suggested that I stay out of James' way as he is in a bad mood.

James was feeling really upset because his parents were insisting that he call Kate. He was also unhappy about Jill being sent to a boarding school in New York. Despite his emotions, James was doing a good job of concealing his feelings and treating Kate well. I refrained from writing any letters to Kate since James was already in touch with her, and I had been busy with school work. James had taken matters into his own hands as well, and had been secretly writing to Jill without his parents' knowledge. I was eagerly waiting for James to tell Kate the truth about how he felt.

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