Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: John

I was furious that Alex had managed to escape justice for kidnapping Kate and Sara. I felt the urge to harm him, but I believed I was more morally upright than Alex. Additionally, I was upset that my aunt and uncle accused Kate of being a witch. James attempted to stand up for Kate to his parents, but they refused to heed his words.

I visited Kate and asked her how she was doing. She expressed concern about the difficulties my aunt and uncle were causing me, but I assured her that it was not her fault. I explained that the problems were actually caused by Alex. Kate admitted that she had ignored warnings about Alex and trusted him as a friend, feeling regretful. I comforted her, saying she shouldn't blame herself and that I should have taken better care of her. We agreed that we needed to be more cautious about who we trust. Later, Kate and I shared a moment of intimacy and then lay in bed together until sunset.

Kate obtained a protection order against Alex, which prohibited him from coming near her. I was happy to see that justice was being served. However, the only issue we faced was that Alex refused to sign the divorce papers. I am not sure what to do because I truly love Kate.

Kate was feeling unwell, so she went to see a doctor. When she returned, she looked sad. I asked her what the matter was, and she replied that she was pregnant, but wasn't sure if the baby belonged to me or Alex. Unfortunately, we couldn't do a blood test until she was five months pregnant. I reassured Kate that I loved her and that I would love the child regardless of who the biological father was.


James was still scheming to create a rift between Kate and John. He was upset with how badly Alex had treated Kate and now wanted to gain their trust. James decided to talk to Jill and asked her, "Have you been speaking ill of Kate to my parents?"

Jill replied affirmatively, "Yes, I have. I told them that Kate was cheating on John with you and Alex. I'm also trying to get your parents to convince John to marry me."


Jill spent the night with James. She couldn't wait to be with John and didn't care who Kate was with.


Alex was devastated to discover that Kate had left him. She wasn't responding to any of his phone calls, and he felt lost without her. He knew that he had to work hard to regain her love. In a desperate attempt to break them up, Alex recorded a video of himself and Kate being intimate and sent it to John. He hoped that once John saw the video, it would cause a rift between Kate and him.

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