Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Kate

John entered my apartment with a furious expression on his face.

"What's wrong, John?" I inquired.

"I'm upset because Alex showed me a video of you and him being intimate," John accused angrily.

"I already told you that Alex forced me into that situation. I was scared he would harm Sara if I refused," I retorted angrily.

"I'm sorry, Kate, but seeing you with Alex made me incredibly jealous," John confessed.

"I get it, but you have to believe me. I would never betray you," I responded with frustration.

"I love you, Kate, but I cannot marry you. No judge in England will grant you a divorce due to the powerful connections of Alex's father. If we continue our relationship, it will be considered adultery. You have to go back to Alex as you are his wife now. I'm sorry, Kate," John replied.

With those words, John walked out of my life for good. I started to cry and found it hard to stop. My heart was shattered, and I spent the entire night in my room.

The following day, I decided to remove the protection order against Alex. I then called him and informed him about my decision.

"Does this mean you want to work things out?" he asked.

"Yes, if you are willing," I replied.

"Of course, I am Kate. I love you. When are you coming home?" he asked.

I then expressed my desire to have another wedding in Mississippi since my parents and brother missed the first one.

"When can you get here?" I asked.

"I will be on the first plane there," he replied.

My parents were supportive of my decision to work things out with Alex and my mother even planned a big wedding. Alex, on the other hand, planned our honeymoon in Paris.


James was shocked to hear that Kate was going back to Alex. He was not going to give up easily. He tried calling Jill but she didn't answer. Suddenly, James received a call from Alex.

Angrily, he asked, "What do you want, Alex?"

"I am inviting you to my wedding!" replied Alex in a happy tone.

"I thought you and Kate were already married!" questioned James, still angry.

"We are married, but Kate wants to have a second wedding for her family," replied Alex.

James wanted to tell him to "drop dead", but he restrained himself and replied, "I wouldn't miss it!" in an angry tone.


Jill was happy that Kate and John broke up. She phoned John and invited him out to eat, but he was angry and rejected her invitation. He reminded Jill that he doesn't feel love or even like her, and that they want different things in life. John was also still angry about how Jill treated Kate. After John hung up, James called Jill and told her about Kate and Alex's second wedding. Jill was upset that John didn't want to see her, but she decided to go out to eat with James.


Alex could not believe that Kate was going to try to work their marriage out. He also could not believe Kate wanted a second wedding. The wedding was beautiful. Alex falls in love with Kate all over again when he saw her in her wedding dress. Alex could not wait until the wedding reception to be over so Kate and him could go on their honeymoon.

When Kate and Alex arrived at their honeymoon, Kate revealed to Alex that she was pregnant with his baby. Alex was thrilled and eager to share the news with his family. They celebrated their honeymoon, but Alex was aware that Kate was still in love with John. Nevertheless, he was determined to do everything in his power to help Kate move on from John.

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