Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Kate

It was Christmas time. John and I were house-hunting. We were looking for a four-bedroom house since we both wanted two kids only. I was glad Alex was okay with us getting married. However, John informed me that Jill was spying on me and taking pictures of Alex and me. He believed that she was trying to create problems for us, although we couldn't fathom why. John despised her, and even my father thought she was a spoiled brat, a sentiment that I shared.

John gave me a pair of diamond earrings, and I thought they were beautiful. I told him that he didn't have to get them for me since he had already given me a diamond ring. I then asked Sara and Rose to be my maids of honor, and they both happily accepted. I couldn't believe that I was getting married in just a month! Rose and Sara were going to throw me a wedding shower.

I returned to Mississippi to get away from James, who had been bothering me. I reached out to my dad's cousin, Jerry Mills, who was a sheriff in town. Jerry was well-liked and known to be a fair man. He warned James that if he came to Mississippi, he needed to leave me alone and that if he bothered me, he would be arrested. Jerry's warning gave me some solace, and I hope James will heed his words.

John arrived at my apartment looking distressed. I inquired about the reason for his upset demeanor. John revealed that James had been spreading false rumors to his aunt and uncle, claiming that we had been intimate while I was still dating James. John also mentioned that James had alleged that I had been involved with him and Alex as well. I was shocked by James' deceitful behavior. John further explained that his aunt and uncle had believed James' lies, and they warned him that if he married me, he would no longer be welcome in their home. I sympathized with John's predicament.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to cause you any problems," I said in a sad tone.

"Kate, this is not your fault," replied John.

"I just wish James would stop causing problems for us. Is Lisa angry with you?" I asked him.

"No, she does not believe what James is saying about you. Lisa is happy for us," John replied.

"I am glad to hear that," I said happily.

"Kate, once we are married, James cannot do anything. My aunt and uncle cannot stay mad at me forever," John assured me.

"I hope you are right," I replied.

"I am moving to Mississippi and I have already secured an apartment," John informed me.


James was informed by his parents that John had relocated to Mississippi. However, James became upset upon hearing this news. He decided to call Jill and asked her if they could meet at the park. Jill agreed, but when they met, James could sense that Jill was also angry.

"What do you want?" Jill asked him.

"What's wrong with you?" James replied with a tone of anger.

"My dad doesn't want me to see you anymore. He threatened to cut me off from everything if I continue meeting you!" Jill replied irritably.

"I'm not trying to get back together with you. I need your help in splitting Kate and John up," James requested.

Jill proposed that they could either feign happiness for the couple or devise a plan to separate them. James inquired about their strategy, to which Jill admitted she didn't have one yet but assured him that she would come up with a plan.


Jill was determined to break up John and Kate, but she wasn't sure how. She decided to call John and apologize for her past behavior. "Hi John, it's Jill. I just wanted to say sorry for how I acted before. Also, congratulations on your engagement with Kate."

"Thank you," John replied.

Jill continued, "I heard from Rose that your aunt and uncle kicked you out of their house. I'm sorry to hear that."

John corrected her, "I wasn't living with my aunt and uncle. They just didn't want me to visit. I don't regret my decision to live my life on my own terms. And I'm glad I don't have to worry about you causing problems for Kate and me."


Alex was confiding in his close friend Charles Davidson about his love for Kate and his plan to fake her death. Alex asked for Charles' help in retrieving a body from the morgue to make it seem like Kate had died. Charles, who worked in the morgue, agreed to assist Alex in his scheme, even though Kate was already in Mississippi. Alex was determined to proceed with his plan, and Charles confirmed that he had a private plane and could locate a suitable body for their deception.

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