Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Kate

The day after, Alex extended an invitation to Sara and me for a dinner at his place. Although Sara didn't trust Alex, I convinced her to give him a chance. Alex's mother, Sally, prepared a grand dinner, and Alex served us wine. After the meal, I went to the living room, and suddenly, I started feeling drowsy. Eventually, I passed out on the chair.

When I woke up, I discovered myself lying on a bed. As I looked around, I noticed Alex seated beside me.

"I'm relieved that you're finally awake. I enjoy watching you sleep," Alex said cheerfully.

Confused, I questioned, "What's happening? Where am I?"

"We are in England," Alex responded.

Feeling frustrated, I inquired, "How long have I been asleep? Why are we in England? Did you drug me?"

"Yes, I did. I drugged you and Sara. I have feelings for you, Kate, and I can't bear to see you marry John. I want you to marry me," Alex clarified.

"I can't believe you would betray me like this! I trusted you as a friend!" I exclaimed.

"I don't want your friendship, I want you to be my wife. You will marry me and become the mother of my children!" Alex shouted.

"My family will come looking for me!" I protested.

"No, they won't because they believe you and Sara are dead. I have your wedding dress and we are getting married tomorrow," Alex stated.

"I will never marry you, you cruel person!" I yelled.

Alex grabbed me by the neck.

"Be careful how you speak to me. I have my limits," Alex warned.

I was crying uncontrollably, unable to think clearly.

Alex, visibly upset, declared, "I will punish Sara for your disrespect, Kate!" as he prepared to depart.

In a plea for forgiveness, I apologized and promised to comply with his demands, begging him not to harm Sara. Alex warned that he would forgive me this time, but threatened to harm Sara if I raised my voice, yelled, or attempted to flee.

"Can I see Sara?" I asked.

"You have not earned my trust yet. "When we are married and you have given yourself to me on our honeymoon, we will see if you have earned my trust," Alex replied.

The following day, Sally, Alex's mother, assisted me in putting on my wedding gown. Sally expressed her joy for me and her son, eagerly anticipating the arrival of grandchildren. Despite wanting to confront Sally, I refrained out of fear that Alex might harm Sara if I spoke up. Charles entered the room and took hold of my arm. Shortly after, the judge arrived at the house, and we had a brief ceremony. The wedding reception lasted only an hour as Alex was eager to begin our honeymoon at a cozy cottage owned by his father.

Alex carried me to the bed and started kissing my neck. I wanted to stop him, but I was worried he might harm Sara. Afterward, I went to shower. I felt like crying, but I was concerned Alex might overhear me. I was missing John, my parents, and my brother Shawn. When I emerged from the bathroom, Alex asked me if I thought I would give him a son soon. I expressed uncertainty about my ability to have children. Alex reassured me, saying he loves me and that as long as we have each other, that's all that matters to him.

I fell asleep and suddenly felt someone shaking me awake. It was James and John. At first, I thought I was still dreaming, but soon realized it was real. I was overjoyed to see John and hugged him tightly. I asked about Sara, and John reassured me that she was safe and resting in the living room. I pleaded to see her and rushed to find her. She was sitting in a chair relaxing, and I hugged her tightly too. I asked if she was alright, and she assured me that she was. I then expressed my desire to go home.

"Your parents also want you to come home. Your father has already arranged for a bodyguard to protect you," John clarified.

Alex's father was a corrupt man who had a lot of control over what happened in the police department. Due to his father's influence, Alex managed to escape charges for the drugging and kidnapping of Sara and me. In addition to that, Alex's father had many powerful friends in the United States, which made the situation even worse. To make matters worse, Alex refused to grant me a divorce, which was preventing John and me from getting married. Although John and I were angry that no law would defend my rights, we were determined to get married.

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