CHAPTER 17 - Hamato Donatello

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(sorry for the short chapter)
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

I'm glad Leo and I have some understanding over April and Casey being stuck at school. I haven't seen Casey for a good few weeks now but for some reason any time I do see him he seems so annoying to me.. I don't know why, I guess the break between us has left me alone with my thoughts longer than I would like to be, and by thoughts I mean what happened with Vizioso that day, Leo stopped me from hurting him and honestly I wish he didn't. Visioso hurt ME so why couldn't I hurt HIM?

No one even knows what he did, not even Casey, I can't seem to get this feeling of him all over me out of my head... I stand up after taking my knee/shoulder pads and bandages off before walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on. it's been a year since he touched me, maybe i can wash him off... I just want him out of my head and off my body.

After my shower I go back to my laboratory and grab the Kraang device I've been trying to decode for the past three months but I can't focus; I really can't focus. I groan and my eyes are suddenly fixated on a blade not too far from me on my desk... I stare at it.
"Maybe.. NO!.. It's stupid I shouldn't." I say under my breath to myself, but the urge is getting too strong. I just put my head back down and try my hardest to focus on decoding the stupid fucking Kraang device.

Until the blade is all I can focus on.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

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