CHAPTER 19 - Casey Jones

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I haven't seen Donnie in ages, I really hope he's okay. I feel bad for not seeing him but I've been so caught up with trying to look after my sister and exams at school, It would've been easier if Dad was still around... I don't know what happened to him but the guys all say the Kraang could've taken him. I wish I could save him but those pink brainy looking assholes are basically unstoppable...

Who knows what they could be doing to my Dad.

I sigh and waddle out of school after another late detention, I'm exhausted.

As I walk into the house I find Angel already in bed.. Shit she didn't have dinner again I huff, before slumping down on my bed and passing out - asleep.

"Casey! Casey!!" I wake up to Angel jumping on me giggling. I groan and she gets off me.
"What's up Angel-cake?" I rub my eyes and smile at my sister as she drags me downstairs before handing me a cup of tea,
"I made it for you because you always make tea for Daddy!" I smiled at her sweet gesture and go to take a sip of the tea before Angel giggles,
"But I didn't use hot water because I know you tell me not to touch hot stuff!" I almost spit the tea out as the cold liquid hits my tongue, I cough and chuckle a little before placing the cup down.
"Heh, Thanks Angel." I sigh while gently patting her head.


I rushed into my school after dropping my sister off.
"Fuck my life! I can't believe i'm late AGAIN." April stands by my locker holding a few books before handing me a sheet of paper.
"Mr. Bauldwin asked me to hand you this." She says as I take it and read it, It's a late detention slip once again. Ugh.

After the detention me and April head off to the park for tutoring, we sit on the swings and talk for a while.
"Sooo, how are you and Donnie?" April asks,
"We're... Okay. I haven't been able to see him because of taking care of my sister, also I feel like I'm annoying him" I look down and swing myself slightly. April frowns and puts a hand on my shoulder, telling me about her growing feelings for Leo and how she understands how I feel. It's nice to talk to someone who isn't a mutant animal, y'know? I mean even if April is half Kraang...
"Why don't we go visit them?" April smiles at me and stands up, shoving her books in her bag. I hop off the swing and grab my bike.
"Hell yeah!! Time to go say 'hey' to my boyfriend!" I exclaim happily as we find the nearest man-hole cover and drop into the sewers with a splash.

We arrive at the lair, and I rush to Donnie's lab but I'm stopped by Leonardo.
"Leo? Is everything okay? Is Donnie okay?!" I start to worry when Leo doesn't say anything and simply gives me a dirty look before pushing me out of his way and shutting the door in my face. Did Donnie not want to see me? I feel my heart break ever so slightly.
"Well that's different." April walks over and says in a confused tone.

Tears fill my eyes as I mumble,
"Donnie doesn't want to see me. He hates me. None of my relationships ever work. Why did I ever think someone as amazing as Donatello would love someone like me?!" I start hyperventilating as my heart races and my chest tightens. April takes me to the couch and tries to help me calm down but I can't... I don't know why...
"You're fine Casey, just take deep breaths.. You're having a panic attack." April rubs my back and asks Mikey to get me a glass of water. Tears roll down my cheeks as Leo opens the sliding door to check what all the commotion is about before he turns back to Donnie and tells him what's happening, he walks over - standing next to Leo. I look him up and down slowly, when I see the scars across Donnie's legs I let out a small gasp. What did he do..? I cover my mouth and Raph explains that what I'm doing is just attention seeking; April flips him off,
"He's not faking it Raphael, just shut up and go fuck that bitch of yours, Mona!" She sticks up for me but I don't say a word, 'They all hate you' goes through my head a million times, I look down at my worn-out Converse shoe's and lean against April for comfort. Donnie looks over at us and crosses his arms angrily but I just didn't want to annoy Donnie or the others anymore than I already had.

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Me and my friend are trying to make up for the past short chapters but it's difficult trying to come up with ideas and make a long chapter. i hope you guys don't mind-

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