chapter 19

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Jungkook's pov

The air was thick with the aftermath of our night passionate night, a heady mix of sweat and passion that hung in the room like a tangible reminder of our fervent union. I couldn't tear myself away from her for even a moment, captivated by the allure of her body pressed against mine. Throughout the night, I had poured every ounce of desire into her, consumed by the need to claim her completely. With each thrust, each gasp of pleasure that escaped her lips, I felt a surge of possessiveness wash over me, driving me to push her to the very brink of ecstasy.

Her vulnerability only fueled my desire, a primal instinct to dominate and possess her completely. I took her again and again, losing myself in the intoxicating rhythm of our bodies moving as one. The lines between pleasure and pain blurred as I pushed her to her limits, relishing in the raw intensity of our connection.

As the night wore on, I lost track of time, lost in the whirlwind of sensation that engulfed us both. Every touch, every kiss, was a testament to the passion that burned between us, a flame that threatened to consume us both.

In that moment, there was only her and I, two souls bound together in a dance of desire and longing. And as we finally succumbed to the exhaustion that threatened to overtake us, I held her close, knowing that she was mine and mine alone.

But even as I reveled in the pleasure of our union, a storm raged within me, a tempest of conflicting emotions that threatened to consume me whole. She lay beside me, her soft breaths lulling her into a peaceful slumber, completely unaware of the turmoil churning within my soul.

her vulnerability,those innocence eyes filled with intense desire only served to fuel my obsession, my desperate need to possess her completely. It made me feel that I have complete power over her. The look of begging in her eyes for me did nothing but increased my hunger for her.
I wanted to wrap her in my arms and never let her go, to shield her from the world and keep her safe by my side.

As I watched her sleep, a sense of possessiveness washed over me, a fierce determination to keep what was mine at all costs. She belonged to me, her body ,her inside and soul, and I would do whatever it took to keep her close to me, to ensure that she never slipped from my grasp.

as she lay beside me, oblivious to the storm raging within me, I knew that I would stop at nothing to possess her completely, to make her mine in every sense of the word.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, I found myself still wide awake, unable to tear my eyes away from her serene countenance. Despite the exhaustion that weighed heavily on my limbs, sleep eluded me, for the sight of her lying beside me was more captivating than any dream.

It felt like a dream having her this closer to me. Feeling her in my embrace. I know after the morning I will have to brace myself for her outburst and I'm ready for that . I know how to handle her. What card I have to play to gain her trust.

Her ethereal beauty seemed to glow in the soft morning light, casting a spell over me that I could not break. With each rise and fall of her chest, I felt a sense of calm wash over me, as if her very presence had the power to soothe the turmoil within my soul.

I traced the delicate curve of her long lashes with my gaze, marveling at the perfection of her features. Her soft lips, parted slightly in sleep, beckoned to me, tempting me to lean in and claim them as my own. And as her heaving chest rose and fell against mine, I felt an overwhelming desire to keep her close to me for eternity.

With a sense of determination burning within me, I vowed to cherish her, to protect her, to love her with every fiber of my being. For she was mine, and I would treasure her for all time.

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her naked body even closer to mine, until there was not a single barrier between us. My eyes trailed over every curve and contour of her form, a possessive gleam shining in them. In that moment, a surge of possessiveness unlike anything I had ever experienced before washed over me, filling me with a dangerous intensity.

She belonged to me, and me alone. I would stop at nothing to keep her by my side, to ensure that she remained mine for all eternity. The thought of anyone else laying claim to her sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a primal instinct to protect what was rightfully mine.

I would cross any boundary, defy any convention, to keep her with me. My love for her had transcended reason, morphing into a consuming obsession that threatened to consume me whole. But I welcomed the madness, for it was a small price to pay for the ecstasy of having her in my arms.

As I held her close, I vowed to do whatever it took to keep her with me, even if it meant descending into the depths of insanity. For she was not just my lover, she was my everything, the very essence of my being. And I would stop at nothing to ensure that she remained mine, now and forever.

I had waited for her, biding my time until the moment was right to claim her as my own. And now that she was here, in my arms, I knew I could never let her go.

She had become my everything, my reason for living, and I would do whatever it took to keep her with me. Even if it meant crossing lines I never thought possible, even if it meant destroying everything in my path.

For years, I had waited in agony, longing for the moment when I could finally claim her as my own. The thought of her slipping through my fingers was unbearable, a torment that gnawed at his soul day and night.

I had plotted and planned, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make her mine. And when the time came, I had acted without hesitation, willing to do whatever it took to win her back into his arms.

She had no idea of the lengths I had gone to for her, the sacrifices I had made, the lines I had crossed. But none of that mattered now. She was mine , bound to me by fate and destiny.

I had fallen for her without even realizing it, my love growing into an all-consuming passion that left me breathless and desperate. And now that I have her, i would never let her go. She belonged to me body and soul, and i would protect her with every ounce of his being, no matter the cost.


His love for her knew no bounds, a relentless force that drove him to the brink of madness. He would cross any barrier, defy any moral code, just to be with her. And he had already proven his willingness to do so, by destroying the very obstacles that stood between them.

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