chapter 23

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Emma stood in her kitchen, the scent of cooking rice filling the air as she went about her routine. With practiced movements, she placed the pot on the stove, the gentle hiss of the flame beneath providing a comforting background noise.

As she finished her work she went towards the basin to wash her hands when suddenly Her hands, wet from washing, paused mid-air as her eyes scanned her palm. A frown creased her forehead as realization dawned—the ring, the precious symbol of love and commitment, was missing.

Panic surged through her veins like an electric shock. "Where could it be?" she whispered, her voice barely audible in the quiet kitchen. Her mind raced with possibilities, but one thing was certain: she couldn't afford to lose it.

Emma's search began in earnest, every corner of her house becoming a potential hiding spot for the elusive ring. But as minutes turned into an hour, and every room yielded no results, her anxiety grew. She felt a knot forming in her stomach, a sense of unease settling over her like a suffocating blanket.

Then, a glimmer of hope—a faint memory resurfaced. Her ring had a tracking feature, a fail-safe against such situations. With trembling hands, she reached for her phone, fingers flying over the screen in haste. But in her rush, she entered the wrong details, instead of entering her details she accidentally entered taehyung's ring details as the phone had autofill function and whenever taehyung would go to another country she used to sometimes track his location so without her knowing she autofilled his rings details.

As the app opened, it displayed a location far outside the city, frustration bubbled within her.

"What's wrong with this tracker?" she muttered, her voice tinged with exasperation. It made no sense. She hadn't left the house, not since the incident with Jungkook.

With a heavy sigh, Emma's eyes fell upon the table before her, and there it was—the ring, glinting in the soft light. Relief flooded her senses as she reached for it, the familiar weight reassuring against her skin. Jungkook must have removed it when she had faitend two days ago. He had already told that he had removed her Jewelry when she fainted so she could sleep completely.

But as she prepared to turn off the tracker, a nagging thought lingered in her mind. If the ring was here, safe and sound, then why did the tracker lead her astray? It was then that she realized her mistake—the wrong details entered, a simple oversight with monumental consequences.

Shock coursed through her veins, leaving her breathless. How was it possible? Taehyung's ring, lost in the blast, presumed gone forever—yet here it was, its tracker still active. A glimmer of hope flickered within her, fragile yet undeniable.

The police had declared the plane crash a tragedy, a loss beyond measure. But Emma couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story, a possibility too painful to contemplate yet too tantalizing to ignore.

Emotions warred within her—a tumultuous mix of fear, longing, and tentative hope. She knew the odds were slim, the chances of his survival minuscule at best. But even as doubt gnawed at her resolve, she clung to the possibility, refusing to let go of the one thing that kept her going—the hope of seeing him again.

But how? How could she find him, amidst the vast expanse of uncertainty? It was then that a name flashed in her mind, a person she knew could help her—a connection forged in the flames of adversity, a bond that transcended time and space.

Without hesitation, Emma reached for her phone, fingers trembling as she dialed the familiar number. With each ring, her heart pounded in anticipation, a desperate plea echoing in the silence.

"Hello?" came the voice on the other end, and with a deep breath, Emma spoke, her voice steady despite the turmoil within.

" I need your help.”

Emma stepped into Namjoon's office, her eyes wide with curiosity as she scanned the futuristic environment. Screens displaying city activities surrounded her, giving the impression of being in a high-tech lab rather than a traditional office space.

Namjoon's voice broke her reverie, drawing her attention.

"Emma, what's going on?"

he asked, his tone tinged with concern.

She recounted the events that had unfolded just hours ago, unaware of the color draining from Namjoon's face as he listened intently. A sense of foreboding washed over him.

Pointing to her phone screen, Emma showed Namjoon the still-active tracker, indicating the possibility of the missing ring still being in play. Namjoon's nervousness was palpable as he ran a hand over his face, trying to collect his thoughts.

"Please, Joon, help me find the exact location of the ring,"

Emma pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.

"I can't shake this feeling that he's still alive. I can't let go of even a sliver of hope. Please, help me."

Namjoon tried to reassure her, calming her down before speaking.

"Don't worry, Emma. We'll find the ring and its location. Just give me your phone."

Immediately, Emma handed over her phone, but before Namjoon could retreat to his personal cabin to work on it, Emma insisted on accompanying him.

“ I'll come too"

"Emma, you don't need to come. I'll handle it,"

Namjoon protested, his fear evident.

But Emma was resolute.

"No, I want to see for myself,"

she insisted, marching into his cabin before he could object further.

Resigned, Namjoon took out his phone and sent a quick message as he began working on tracking the exact location of the ring with Emma by his side. It took hours of meticulous work, but finally, they had a breakthrough.

"It's showing that the ring could possibly be near Seoul International Airport,"

Namjoon announced, a glimmer of hope in his voice.

Perplexed, Emma questioned,

"What could it be doing at the airport?"

"We'll find out when we get there,"

Namjoon replied, leading the way out of his office towards the airport, determination etched on his face.

The airport buzzed with the usual hustle and bustle of travelers rushing to catch flights or embrace loved ones. Emma walked beside Namjoon, her heart racing with anticipation, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. With each step closer, the distance between her and the ring diminished, intensifying the nervous flutter in her chest.

Her eyes darted around, searching for any sign of the elusive object that held so much meaning. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as they moved closer to the designated spot. Hope surged within her, pushing her forward despite the uncertainty.

Finally, they reached the exact location, and Emma's breath caught in her throat as she heard the familiar beep. Her heart seemed to pause for a moment before resuming its frantic rhythm. She scanned the area, her eyes wide with anticipation, until Namjoon's voice broke through her reverie.

“There it is,”

he said, his words cutting through the tension like a lifeline. Emma's gaze snapped to where he pointed and shock appeared on her face.

I'm. Just curious with whom you wanted Emma to end with jungkook or taehyung.

As now you have got to know about both of thier secrets .

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