chapter 24

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Emma's heart raced as she spotted the man wearing the ring. Suspicion coursed through her veins as he scanned the surroundings with a watchful gaze. Without a second thought, she dashed towards him, her hand gripping his tightly as she forcefully removed the ring, causing him to hiss in pain.

As she approached, Emma's steps quickened, her senses on high alert. The man's demeanor only fueled her suspicion; he moved with an air of unease, glancing over his shoulder as if expecting trouble at any moment. Clutching her purse tightly, Emma closed the distance between them, her hand reaching out to grasp his wrist.

Startled, the man recoiled, his eyes widening in surprise as Emma forcibly removed the ring from his finger. A sharp hiss escaped his lips, a mixture of pain and indignation.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Who do you think you are, taking my ring like that?”

he exclaimed, his voice laced with irritation.

Ignoring his protests, Emma's attention was solely focused on the ring in her hand. She turned it over, examining every detail with a mix of trepidation and hope. It was Taehyung's ring, she was sure of it.

"Where did you get this ring?"

she demanded, her voice trembling with emotion.

The man's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he attempted to snatch the ring back. But Emma was quick to evade his grasp, her resolve unwavering.

"It's mine,"

he insisted, his tone growing more hostile by the second.

Frustration gnawed at Emma's nerves as she refused to back down. She knew the truth, and she wouldn't rest until she had answers.

"No, you're lying. This ring belonged to my husband who died in a plane blast,"

she retorted, her voice breaking with sorrow.

The man's facade crumbled, replaced by a mix of defiance and apprehension. Before he could make another move, Namjoon emerged from the crowd, his presence commanding attention.

"Stay away from her,"

Namjoon warned, his voice stern as he positioned himself protectively beside Emma.

Undeterred, the man continued to protest, but Emma remained steadfast. Her desperation fueled her determination, driving her to confront the truth head-on.

"I can prove that this ring is mine,"

she declared, her voice quivering with resolve.

a mixture of curiosity and skepticism etched on his face, leaned in closer.

"And how's that?"

he inquired, his tone laced with doubt.

Emma's eyes gleamed with determination as she revealed the secret tracker embedded discreetly within the ring.

"This tracker,"

With a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, the man watched as Emma revealed the secret tracker hidden within the ring, her fingers deftly navigating its intricate design. His facade faltered, uncertainty flickering in his eyes as Emma presented her evidence.
she began, holding it up for his inspection,

"is my insurance policy. It's linked to the other half of the pair."

The man's expression faltered, realization dawning upon him like a heavy weight. His facade of confidence wavered as he processed Emma's revelation.

"If you're saying this ring is yours,"

Emma countered, a hint of desperation creeping into her voice,

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