Chapter 20 - Empty.

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~next day time skip~

John's POV:

"We found out where his little lady lives." One pronounced.

"Good, we will go over later. We will ask her to listen and come with us. If not, We can just lightly knock her out." I laughed.

"...maybe have a bit of fun" One whispered.

"No. Don't harm her unless I say so." I stated and slammed my hand down.

"Ugh your no fun John. Don't you wanna make him hurt?" My cousin rolled his eyes and flicked his burned cigarette to the floor.

"Yes of course I do but there's a right and wrong way of doing things! Don't be stupid." I shouted and he backed up a bit.

"Okay, okay chill" He snickered and walked away with a huff.

~time skip~

Knock knock knock...


"Just come with us, I will make sure you remain unharmed all we want is Alastor and you two seemed to be a bit closer than friends. Come out." I called out for y/n but it was silent not even a panicked breath could be heard.

"Don't hide y/n. You are just prolonging the inevitable." I looked everywhere. I broke doors and smashed things out of pure frustration.

"Where the fuck is she?!" I yelled.

"She ain't here John"

"I fucking know that, why is it taking so long to catch the barstard?! Why the fuck isn't Y/n here?!" I screamed and shattered the items around me.

I pushed my cousins out of the way "Find out where she went I'm going to go blow off some fucking steam." I headed back to the warehouse.

~small time skip~

I was sat down taking a long puff of a cigar with my head tilted back. I killed a few of our dealers who I had here chained up. My face had a few splatters of dried blood and my knuckles were swollen and cut. I heard a loud creak of the metal doors opening.

"John we saw her" My cousin with the brown flag cap spoke.

"Tell me." I demanded.

"She was sobbing about her wrecked apartment and Alastor drove off with her. We decided to follow them but he drove far into the swampy woods and we lost him."

Okay I feel a bit of regret for trashing her apartment but it's Alastors fault Charles is dead.

"You're all fucking useless" I mumbled.

"She's probs staying with him. We could find his house and break in. He knows how to defend himself so bring your guns. BUT do NOT shoot him to kill, I want him to beg for death by my hands." I crunched my fist around my cigar and looked up at them aggravated expression.

"We all want that."

~time skip to next morning~

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