Chapter 57-Lies

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Alastors POV:

I stood there listening to y/n making lies upon lies, trying to convince me that she only went to speak to Mimzy. I knew what she did, my shadow informed me.

"I just went to the speakeasy, talked to Mimzy and came back! That's all, nothing else!" She exclaimed and tried to look innocent.

"Promise?" I asked and faked a smile.

"...yes" She smiled and hugged me but I didn't embrace her back, It created an awkward moment of silence.

"So you didn't murder a man and chase after a woman?" I spoke.

She looked up at me in shock and disbelief, letting go and moved away from me.

"How do you know that?" She stuttered.

I pointed over to my shadow, crossing my arms and her eyes widened at the realization.


"It saw you leave and followed you, as soon as you were safe it came back and told me everything. You are so stupid to let someone see you and get away!" I spoke in an angered tone.

Her face changed to a more defensive, offended expression."I was only trying to help! The poor woman was going to get raped!"

"That doesn't matter! You knew it was risky yet you still wanted to play the hero!" I shouted and she took a step towards me.

I shouldn't have said that...

"Excuse me?! Did you just say it didn't matter?! Alastor, how dare you! So you would just walk by? Why if that was me? I thought you were better then this...clearly your just the same as every pathetic man I see." She spat.

I looked down, furrowing my brows as she tried pushing me back. I held her wrist to stop her from storming off.

"What are you going to do now? Shout at me? Hit me? How can I trust you?" She yelled trying to pull away from my grasp.

I would never hurt you.

"Don't say that." I sternly shouted.

She looked into my eyes with fear as they were filling up with tears.

"I've held your limp body in my arms screaming for help, I've suffered a broken heart when you forgot about me and you think I'm untrustworthy?" I said, holding back my tears.

"I-" She sniffled and her breathing was shaky.

"Go." I sharply exhaled and let go of her wrist.

"Alastor, I didn't-" She looked up, and held my hand.

"You have really upset me y/n, just go. Leave me alone for a bit." I turned away.

She cried and went upstairs, I collapsed on the couch in the living room with my hands holding my head in frustration.

She lied straight to my face, she even promised me?!

I did feel a little guilt for what I said...she was doing the right thing in helping that woman.

Why would she say I was like every other man? I would never hit her OR do anything she didn't consent to?!

I took a deep breath and heard her faint sobbing coming from upstairs. I huffed and a wave of regret rushed over me.

I should go You shouldn't apologize, she should be the one begging for forgiveness?
She lied multiple times to you, and sneaked out into the night all alone...without your knowledge!

~one hour time skip~

I stood up and headed upstairs, she was sitting on the edge of my bed crying. As I approached her she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I thought you didn't want to see me? Make up your mind Alastor." She bitterly said.

I sighed "okay... let me know when you're out of your immature mood" I rolled my eyes and slammed the door behind me.

"Fuck you" She yelled out at me.

I took another deep breath and rubbed my temples in effort to calm myself down.
I turned on the radio in the kitchen and hummed the tune, looking around in the cupboards.

She was right, we really did have nothing.



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