𝐎𝐍𝐄 Echoes of The Past

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5 Years Ago...

Diluc's weary form trudged through the mire, each step sinking into the muddy earth beneath him as if the very ground resisted his advance. His once-proud sword, an extension of his resolve, now dragged behind him, its blade carving a reluctant path through the sodden terrain. The weight of his sorrow seemed to grow with each passing moment, a tangible burden that bore down upon his shoulders and threatened to engulf him entirely.

His mind was a tempest of conflicting emotions, a whirlwind of pain and guilt that left him feeling numb to the world around him. The truth he had uncovered about the Fatui and their insidious machinations had shattered the illusions of his youth, revealing a harsh reality that he struggled to come to terms with.

Today, April 30th, was a day that should have been filled with celebration, marking his 22nd year of life. Instead, it served as a cruel reminder of the fourth anniversary of his father's untimely death, a tragedy orchestrated by the very organization that now loomed like a shadow over his every thought.

The memory of his father, once a beacon of strength and wisdom, now haunted him like a specter from the past. He could still recall the sound of his laughter, the warmth of his embrace, and the steady reassurance of his presence. But those memories were tainted now, stained by the knowledge of the betrayal that had torn their family apart.

As Diluc trudged onward, each step a laborious effort, he found himself grappling with the weight of his guilt. Guilt for not being able to save his father, guilt for the anger and resentment that had consumed him in the years since, and guilt for the burden he now bore alone.

But amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him, a flicker of determination burned within his heart—a resolve to uncover the truth, to seek justice for his father's memory, and to ensure that his sacrifice was not in vain. With each weary step, he vowed to honor the legacy of the man who had raised him, no matter the cost.

Through the relentless curtain of rain, Diluc's weary gaze caught sight of a figure in the distance, a beacon of ethereal radiance amidst the storm. Illuminated by a soft, teal glow that seemed to defy the darkness, she stood amidst the desolation, her form hunched as if weighed down by the burden of the world itself.

As he drew nearer, Diluc's heart quickened with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Who was this mysterious being, and what purpose brought her to this desolate place? With each step forward, the answer began to reveal itself, unfolding before him like a melancholy melody played upon the strings of fate.

She moved with a graceful fluidity that seemed to defy the laws of nature, her movements imbued with a profound sense of reverence and sorrow. In her delicate hands, she cradled bouquets of Qixing flowers, their colours a stark contrast against the muted landscape.

With each tender touch, she placed the flowers upon the sodden earth, creating a haunting tapestry of petals that whispered of loss and remembrance. It was a mournful ritual, a solemn tribute to the lives lost and the city of Lánshuǐ Chéng that lay in ruins, a casualty of the Archon War that had ravaged the land centuries before.

As Diluc watched her, a pang of empathy stirred within him, a recognition of the shared grief that bound them together in this moment of solitude. For in her sorrow, he saw reflected the echoes of his own pain and longing for justice.

And then, as he stood before her, the truth dawned upon him like a sudden revelation. She was no mere mortal, but something altogether different—an adeptus, a being of ethereal beauty and unfathomable power, yet touched by a sorrow that mirrored his own.

𝐕𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || D. Ragnvindr [Diluc x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now