𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 An Old Friend

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As Diluc and Y/N made their way towards the Wangshu Inn, anticipation coursed through Y/N like a gentle breeze on a warm summer's day. It had been over a century since she last laid eyes on her beloved friend, and the thought of their reunion filled her with an uncontainable excitement. Each step they took brought them closer to the inn, nestled amidst the lush greenery of the surrounding hills, and Y/N's heart danced with anticipation at the thought of seeing her old friend once again.

With each passing moment, the familiar sights and sounds of Liyue enveloped them—the rustling of the bamboo forests, the soft murmur of the nearby rivers, and the distant chime of temple bells echoing through the mountains. It was a landscape steeped in memories, each corner holding a piece of Y/N's past, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over her as they journeyed onward.

But amidst the anticipation of the reunion, Diluc's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his recent meeting back at the harbor. The discussion about his winery and the troubling involvement of the Fatui lingered in his thoughts like a shadow, casting a pall over the otherwise idyllic scene. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him—the knowledge that the shadowy organization had infiltrated the heart of Liyue's commerce, threatening the livelihood of merchants and traders alike.

As they approached the Wangshu Inn, Diluc's thoughts turned inward. He couldn't deny the weight of his concerns, the burden of responsibility pressing down on him like a heavy stone. The future of his winery hung in the balance, and he knew that he would have to confront the challenges that lay ahead with courage and determination.

"Diluc," Y/N's voice broke through his reverie, her eyes filled with concern as she noticed the furrow of his brow. "Is something troubling you?"

Diluc shook his head, forcing a smile as he pushed aside his worries for the moment. "It's nothing," he replied, his tone strained. "Just thinking about some business matters back at the harbor."

But even as he spoke, the weight of his concerns lingered, a constant reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. And as they entered the inn's cozy interior, the scent of jasmine tea and freshly cooked meals filling the air.

As Diluc and Y/N finally arrived at the Wangshu Inn, their footsteps echoed softly in the serene atmosphere of the lobby. The warm glow of lanterns cast a gentle light, illuminating the polished wooden floors and the intricate tapestries adorning the walls. At the reception desk stood a young woman with a friendly smile, her name tag reading "Verr Goldet."

"Welcome to the Wangshu Inn," Verr greeted them warmly, her voice as soothing as a gentle breeze. "How may I assist you today?"

Y/N returned the smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We're here to meet an old friend," she explained, her voice filled with anticipation. "Is he around?"

"I'm assuming you mean Xiao, correct?" Verr inquired. Y/N nods politely and Verr's smile widened as she nodded.

"He's up there, as always. I'll let him know you're here."

With a nod of gratitude, Y/N and Diluc made their way through the inn, their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet halls. They ascended the stairs, each step bringing them closer to their destination.

Finally, they reached the top of the inn, where Xiao stood, his gaze fixed on the horizon. His presence was both imposing and serene, a silent guardian overlooking the world below.

"Xiao," Y/N called out, her voice filled with warmth. "It's been too long."

Xiao turned to face them, his expression unreadable. But as he caught sight of Y/N, a flicker of recognition crossed his features, followed by a rare moment of shock that betrayed his usual stoic demeanor.

"Y/N," he greeted her, his voice soft yet filled with strength. "It's... unexpected to see you here."

Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her at the sight of her old friend. "Yes," she replied, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "I've come to visit, Xiao. I decided...It's time for a change."

Diluc nodded in greeting, his gaze meeting Xiao's with respect.

As Xiao and Y/N stood together on the rooftop of the Wangshu Inn, overlooking the sprawling landscape of Liyue, a sense of nostalgia washed over them both. The soft glow of lanterns illuminated the evening sky, casting a warm hue.

"Liyue," Xiao murmured, his voice with a hint of sadness. "It has changed so much since the days of old."

Y/N nodded in agreement, her gaze sweeping over the city that had once been her home. "Yes," she replied softly.

Xiao's eyes darkened with sorrow as he recalled the devastation that had befallen the land during the war. "The Archon War brought much suffering to Liyue," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "Many lives were lost, and your village was left in ruins."

Y/N's heart ached at the memories of the past, of the people she had once known and loved, now gone forever. "But despite the hardships, Liyue endures," she said, her voice filled with determination. "The people are resilient, and they have rebuilt their lives from the ashes."

Xiao nodded, a sense of pride shining in his eyes. "Indeed," he agreed. "Liyue may have changed, but its spirit remains unchanged. It is a testament to the strength and resilience of its people."

As the conversation turned to the changes in Liyue over the centuries, Y/N's mind was filled with a flood of memories from her long existence.

Lost in thought, Y/N almost forgot to introduce Xiao to Diluc, her mind still lingering on the memories of the past. With a start, she turned to Diluc with a sheepish smile.

"Forgive me, Diluc," she said apologetically. "This is Xiao, an old friend and protector of Liyue. Xiao, this is Diluc. He's going to help show me what life is about these days with the humans."

Diluc nodded politely, acknowledging Xiao with a respectful nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Xiao," he said, his voice calm and composed.

Xiao regarded Diluc with a stoic expression, his gaze piercing yet kind.

After exchanging pleasantries and reminiscing about the past, Y/N and Diluc bid their farewells to Xiao. Y/N embraced her old friend warmly, a sense of gratitude washing over her for his steadfast presence in her life.

"Thank you for everything, Xiao," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion. "Your friendship has always been a guiding light for me."

Xiao returned the embrace with a rare smile, his stoic demeanor softening for a moment. "Take care, Y/N," he replied, his voice gentle yet filled with strength.

With a final nod of gratitude, Y/N and Diluc turned to leave, their footsteps echoing softly on the rooftop as they made their way back down to the bustling streets below. As they walked, the cool night air wrapped around them like a comforting embrace, guiding them on their journey towards Mondstadt's winery.

And as they disappeared into the night, their laughter mingling with the gentle breeze, Y/N knew that no matter where their journey took them, they would always carry the memories of Liyue in their hearts, a reminder of the bonds that connected them to their past and guided them towards their future.

Chapter Four... Complete.


𝐕𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || D. Ragnvindr [Diluc x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now