𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 The Beauty of Humanity

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As they finally arrived at the Dawn Winery, Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the picturesque landscape of Mondstadt spread out before her. The rolling hills, dotted with vineyards and bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, seemed to stretch out endlessly, a testament to the beauty of the land.

Taking in the sight with awe, Y/N turned to Diluc with a smile of appreciation. "It's breathtaking," she remarked, her voice filled with wonder. "Mondstadt truly is a land of beauty."

Diluc nodded in agreement, his own admiration evident in his gaze. "Welcome to the Dawn Winery," he said, his voice tinged with pride. "Allow me to introduce you to Adelaide, the head maid here."

As they made their way into the winery, they were greeted by Adelaide, a kind-hearted woman with a warm smile. "Welcome back, Master Diluc," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "And who might this be?"

Diluc gestured towards Y/N with a nod. "This is Y/N," he introduced her, a hint of pride in his voice. "She'll be staying with us for a while."

Adelaide's eyes widened in surprise as she took in Y/N's ethereal beauty. "It's an honor to have you here, Miss Y/N," she said respectfully. "Please, make yourself at home. I'll see to it that a room is prepared for you."

Y/N smiled gratefully at Adelaide's kindness, though she couldn't help but chuckle softly at the mention of a room. "Thank you, Adelaide," she replied, her voice gentle. "I don't really sleep, but a place to rest is all I need."

Adelaide nodded understandingly, her expression thoughtful. "Of course, Miss Y/N," she said. "I'll make sure to prepare a comfortable space for you to rest and recharge whenever you need it."

With a sense of warmth and hospitality filling the air, Y/N knew that she had found a temporary home at the Dawn Winery. And as she followed Adelaide to her quarters, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the kindness and generosity she had encountered on her journey so far.

As Diluc prepared to retire to his quarters, he turned to Y/N with a solemn expression. "If you ever need me for an emergency of any sorts," he began, his voice firm yet reassuring, "you can find me here at the winery or at the Angel's Share pub in the main city."

Y/N nodded, her eyes meeting his with a sense of trust and understanding. "Thank you, Diluc," she said gratefully, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I appreciate your willingness to help."

Diluc smiled warmly, a sense of determination shining in his eyes. "It's the least I can do," he replied. "I want you to feel safe and secure during your time here in Mondstadt."

As the night settled over the Dawn Winery and the hustle and bustle of the day slowly faded away, Diluc retired to his quarters, leaving Y/N to her own devices. With a sense of peace settling over her, Y/N made her way to the edge of the nearby lake, its surface shimmering in the moonlight.

Sitting by the water's edge, Y/N closed her eyes and breathed in the cool night air, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her. The gentle sound of the water lapping against the shore soothed her soul, calming her mind and easing the worries of the day.

In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the quiet stillness of the night, Y/N felt a sense of clarity wash over her. Despite the uncertainties that lay ahead, she knew that she was exactly where she needed to be.

With a soft smile playing on her lips, Y/N leaned back against the soft grass, allowing herself to be enveloped by the tranquility of the night. And as she gazed up at the starry sky above, she felt a sense of gratitude swell within her heart for the simple joys and moments of peace that life had to offer.

𝐕𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || D. Ragnvindr [Diluc x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now