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As the tension of their earlier confrontation faded into the night, Kazutora found himself opening up to Keisuke, the weight of his emotions spilling forth in the quiet stillness of the evening. In Keisuke's presence, he felt a strange sense of comfort and understanding, as if the other boy could truly comprehend the depths of his turmoil.

- "I hate it," Kazutora confessed. "But they kept on begging me for money and I stole it from my mother." He looked ashamed towards his sister, who only then understood that the money she received from her brother was never given by their parents, but stolen. She found a weird sense of justice in all of that. After all this time their parents tormented them, that was the least they could get from them. "And then Junepeke and the others run away without me... They only thought of me as a money lender. This is the worst birthday ever."

- "The worst birthday ever, huh?" Keisuke smiled, his gaze shifting between the twins. "Well, if that's the case, then you're gonna have to go ballistic! Both of you," he encouraged them.

- "What?" Kazutora asked, his expression one of shock.

- "Going ballistic? What do you mean by that?" Kaiya questioned, her brow furrowed in confusion.

- "I'll come with you, okay? This is a friendship based solely on a fistfight," Keisuke declared, extending his hand towards Kazutora.

They went on a rampage until dawn. Storming into the homes of people they disliked, they unleashed their pent-up frustration in a flurry of punches and kicks. Even Kaiya, lost in the frenzy of the moment, threw a few punches of her own.

Their rampage escalated as they set a grown man's car on fire, flames licking at the night sky. Kaiya didn't agree with this final act of violence, but she found herself unable to stop them. In the heat of the moment, their anger and resentment boiled over, consuming everything in their path.

- "Isn't that a bit too much?" Kazutora asked, his gaze fixed on the burning car beneath the bridge, the flames reflecting in his eyes.

- "It is!" Kaiya protested, her voice tinged with concern.

- "Haha! Overkill's a good thing," Keisuke encouraged them with a grin. "Listen, Kazutora. Swear in this fire! Friendship is not about profit and loss. From now on, you and I are friends." He turned to Kazutora, his expression earnest. "And every trio needs a level-headed member." He smiled at Kaiya, a warmth in his eyes that she couldn't help but reciprocate with a brief smile of her own.

Despite the rush of adrenaline and the sense of camaraderie that hung in the air, Kaiya couldn't shake the unease that gnawed at her conscience. With a heavy heart, she proposed that they leave the scene behind them, her mind already racing with thoughts of the consequences of their actions.

- "You're right," Keisuke agreed. "Besides, how about we finish your birthday with that piece of shit?"

They found Junepeke at a playground he frequented. Without a word, Kazutora strode up to him and delivered a punch to his face, fueled by the newfound confidence he found in Keisuke's presence.

- "What do you think you're doing, Kazutora?!" Junepeke yelled, his hands covering his bloody nose. "You're supposed to be my friend!"

- "I'm the cash boy, right?" Kazutora stated bluntly.

- "W-wait a minute, will you?" his so-called friend pleaded. "I'm sorry about before!"

- "Give me that earring," Kazutora demanded. "It's my birthday, remember? Also, it's not Kazutora, it's Mr. Kazutora!"

Kazutora snatched the earring from Junepeke's outstretched hand, a victorious smirk playing on his lips. His gaze shifted from Junepeke to Keisuke, the new dark-haired boy who had joined their group, and then to Kaiya, who stood nearby with her hands in the pockets of her hoodie, a knowing smirk on her lips.

I'd let the world burn for you... || Tokyo RevengersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя