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As the bell signalled the end of the school day, Kaiya's gaze instinctively drifted to her brother's empty seat. It was a sight she had grown accustomed to lately. Despite leaving for school together each morning, Kazutora often vanished at some point during the day, leaving Kaiya to wonder where he went and what he was up to.

With Keisuke now gone due to his transfer, Kaiya found herself without her usual confidant to turn to for answers. Mikey and Draken, too, were nowhere to be seen, leaving her feeling even more isolated and uncertain.

As she packed up her belongings, a sense of unease settled over Kaiya. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but without anyone to talk to about her concerns, she was left to navigate her worries alone.

Her attention was suddenly drawn to the entrance of the classroom by the presence of a tall figure. To her astonishment and growing apprehension, she recognized her father stepping into the room. A knot formed in her stomach as he exchanged words with the teacher, who then pointed directly at Kaiya. Her heart began to race as her father nodded in her direction, gesturing for her to follow him.

A rush of fear and panic washed over Kaiya as she tried to make sense of her father's unexpected appearance. Thoughts raced through her mind, each one more terrifying than the last. What if something had happened to her brother or mother? Why else would her father be here? The possibility of a family emergency sent her mind spinning, and she struggled to contain her rising panic.

- "Hanemiya, your father is waiting for you outside. The class is over." The teacher's voice cut through Kaiya's swirling thoughts, startling her back to the present moment. She turned to face the teacher, her heart still pounding in her chest, and nodded in response. 

As her classmates filed out of the room, leaving her alone with her father's imposing figure, Kaiya felt her breath quicken and her chest tighten. She gripped her bag tightly, her hands trembling as she prepared to face whatever awaited her outside the safety of the classroom.

- "Father. Did anything happened, father? Are my brother and mother all right?"  Kaiya's voice wavered as she addressed her father, her eyes searching his face for any hint of what was happening. The tension in the air was palpable as she awaited his response, her heart thudding in her chest with each passing moment.

- "They are fine." Relief flooded over Kaiya as she heard her father's words. The tight knot of anxiety in her chest loosened, and she felt like she could finally breathe again. "The reason why I'm here is because from today on, you live with me. I thought that this would be a good idea to check on your school performance and I must admit I was surprised to see that you are one of the top students, even if you were missing some classes." His last remark carried a tinge of disappointment, which Kaiya noticed. Despite the relief she felt, his disappointment didn't escape her notice, leaving a lingering unease in the air. "I know this is because of your uncontrollable brother. Your mother is completely useless when it comes to raising you properly. I never wanted you, kids, but since one of you is not a complete waste of space, the least I can do is to make sure you'll make me proud." 

- "I refuse." Kaiya stated firmly, crossing her arms in front of her chest."Mother would never accept this!"

- "She already signed of her parental rights. You better listen to me or there will be consequences!"  Her father informed her in a cold and demanding voice, a tone she had grown accustomed to over the years. 

He never seemed to care much for his children, and the only reason Kaiya now had his interest was because she was excelling at school. Perhaps, she thought bitterly, if she started misbehaving or failing academically, her father wouldn't want her anymore. But that would jeopardize her future, something she wasn't willing to sacrifice just to get back at him. She clung to her dream of becoming a surgeon one day, determined not to let her father's indifference deter her.

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