You are not my father anymore

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The twins found themselves integrated into Mikey's tight-knit group of friends, a colorful ensemble of characters with their own quirks and personalities. Despite Kaiya's dedication to her studies, she still managed to forge connections with the members of the group, particularly Mitsuya.

Mitsuya stood out as the voice of reason among the boisterous bunch, his calm demeanor serving as a balancing force to the group's more impulsive members. His positive outlook and pacifist nature resonated with Kaiya, creating a bond between them that went beyond mere acquaintanceship.

As the group embarked on their adventures, navigating the streets on motorcycles and scooters, Kaiya often found herself riding with Mitsuya and her brother with Keisuke. Mitsuya's willingness to accommodate her and include her in their activities meant a lot to her.

Kaiya and Kazutora held differing opinions about Mikey, reflecting their distinct perspectives and experiences within the group. While Kaiya maintained a neutral stance toward Mikey, appreciating his leadership and the sense of belonging he fostered within the group, Kazutora harbored reservations. To him, Mikey seemed somewhat egotistical, and his self-proclaimed title of "the invincible Mikey" struck Kazutora as both silly and pretentious. Additionally, Kazutora couldn't help but scoff at Mikey's choice of transportation—a slow moped hardly befitting someone with such a grandiose nickname.

Kazutora voiced his criticisms to his sister, expressing his skepticism about Mikey's character and actions. However, Kaiya refrained from taking sides, recognizing that their differing opinions stemmed from their unique perspectives and interactions with Mikey. Instead, she saw their contrasting viewpoints as a natural aspect of their relationship as siblings, understanding that they didn't always have to agree on everything.

One day, the group assembled at a restaurant for a meal together. As they settled in, Mikey's seemingly innocuous request for a colorful flag atop his burger ended in unexpected chaos. When his order arrived flag-less, Mikey's reaction caught the twins off guard. With a sudden burst of frustration, he slammed his hands it onto the table, demanding to know why his burger lacked the decorative flourish he had anticipated.

Kaiya couldn't help but find Mikey's outburst a bit childish, but she couldn't deny the humor in the situation. As she chuckled quietly to herself, she glanced at her brother, Kazutora, whose expression was far from amused. He seemed disgruntled by Mikey's behavior, especially since the others were so quick to follow Mikey's lead and leave without eating.

- "There's no flag on my kids meal!" Mikey yelled in frustration. "Now I've lost my will to leave again." He said giving up. "I'm going home..."

- "oh, come one." Mitsuya said.

- "Dude seriously..." Pah-chin added.

- "You've got to be kidding me!" Draken protested. "Wait, Mikey!" He yelled after him as he was leaving.

- "Leave me alone..." Mikey pouted.

- "Oi, Mikey!" Draken yelled again.

The restaurant was filled with the aroma of freshly cooked food and the chatter of other patrons. Tables were adorned with checkered tablecloths and simple yet cozy decorations. Mikey's frustration contrasted sharply with the relaxed atmosphere, creating a tense moment among the group.

Observing the scene, Kaiya decided to salvage the situation by taking a bite from Mikey's abandoned burger. The savoury scent of the burger wafted through the air as she lifted it to her lips, her action catching the attention of the others.

- "Oi, Mikey! This is really good!" Kaiya's voice broke through the tension, her attempt to entice Mikey back with the delicious food.

- "Why don't you just leave him alone?" 

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