Mikey's birthday

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Kaiya crept silently through the dimly lit corridors of her home, her heart pounding with each step. She had carefully prepared a cup of tea for her father, adding the sleeping pills discreetly. With every cautious movement, she hoped to avoid detection and ensure her plan went unnoticed. As she finally slipped out the front door, a mix of nervousness and determination fueled her steps towards the meeting point with Keisuke and her brother.

Under the faint glow of the streetlights, the trio stood together, the soft illumination casting gentle shadows around them. Kaiya's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and relief as she embraced her brother, the fabric of her hoodie brushing against his jacket. Keisuke's warm smile lit up the night as he returned her wave, his breath forming misty clouds in the crisp air. 

-"Kaiya," Kazutora's voice quivered as he spoke, his eyes darting around nervously. "You have to make father give you more money."

Kaiya got angry at her brother's request. Guilt gnawed at her conscience as she recalled the lengths she had gone to in order to secure funds for Kazutora's motorcycle. She had exhausted every avenue, manipulating their father's trust with fabricated tales of needing money for textbooks, clothing, and other essentials. Each lie weighed heavily on her. How could her brother ask this of her again?

To maintain the lies she told her father, Kaiya had resorted to theft, sneaking books and clothing from stores when she couldn't afford them legitimately.

-"Kazu-chan, this must be a bad joke!" Kaiya scolded him, her arms crossing tightly over her chest in frustration. "If I ask him for more money, he'll damn well impale me! And why in the hell do you need money again?" Her concern laced each word with a hint of exasperation.

The thought of approaching their father for additional funds sent a shiver down Kaiya's spine. She knew all too well the repercussions of pushing him too far. Their father's temper was infamous, capable of unleashing a wrath that knew no bounds.

As she glanced at Kazutora, her worry deepened. What could he possibly need the money for now? Hadn't she already sacrificed enough to fulfill his desires? 

- "It's for Mikey's gift. I have found a CB250t, the one that he wants so bad." Kazutora explained to his sister.

Kazutora's revelation hung in the air, casting a momentary silence between the siblings. Kaiya blinked in surprise, her expression softening as she processed his words.

- "For Mikey?" she echoed, a mix of astonishment and understanding coloring her tone. The mention of their friend, Mikey, added a layer of complexity to the situation. She knew how much Kazutora admired Mikey, often going to great lengths to fulfil his wishes.

A sense of resignation settled over Kaiya as she realised the depth of her brother's devotion to their friend. Despite the risks and sacrifices involved, she couldn't deny Kazutora's earnest desire to make Mikey's birthday special.

- "Alright," Kaiya sighed, her resolve firming as she met her brother's gaze. "I'll talk to father. But you owe me, Kazu-chan. Big time." Her words carried a mixture of affection and admonishment, a silent promise to stand by him no matter the cost.

- "Kazutora, are you sure this is a good idea?" Keisuke's brow furrowed with concern, his gaze shifting between Kazutora and Kaiya. He knew all too well the consequences of provoking the twin's father's wrath, and the thought of putting Kaiya in harm's way weighed heavily on his mind.

Turning his attention to Kaiya, Keisuke's expression softened with empathy. 

- "Kaiya, don't force it," he urged gently, his voice laced with worry. He understood her desire to support her brother, but he couldn't bear to see her sacrifice herself for a cause that may ultimately bring more harm than good.

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