The Black Dragon

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Kaiya was waiting impatiently with Keisuke in the park for Mikey's arrival. After Mikey had beaten up Junepeke and his gang, Junepeke sought assistance from a gang known as the Black Dragons, who were protecting his group. For a week now, the Black Dragons and Junepeke had been attacking Kazutora every day, but he hadn't wanted to tell the others about it.

She was tired of tending to his wounds every day and pleaded with him to tell the others, but he stubbornly refused. Unsure of what else to do, Kaiya turned to Keisuke, her brother's best friend, for help. Keisuke agreed to organize a meeting with her and Mikey to discuss the situation.

Despite her gratitude for Keisuke and Mikey's assistance, Kaiya couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for acting behind her brother's back.

- "Mikey, thank you for meeting up with me." Mikey blushed in embarrassment as Kaiya bowed before him, showing her appreciation. He gently grabbed her shoulder, urging her to cease her displays of gratitude.

- "No need for that, Kaiya, we are friends after all." Mikey returned her gesture with a warm smile, his cheeks still tinged with a slight pink hue.

- "Mikey, do you remember the time you saved Kazutora near the embarkment?" Keisuke's voice took on a serious tone as he asked the question.

Mikey nodded turning to Keisuke.

- "Those guys you fought seem to have a protective gang." Keisuke informed him.

- "A gang?" Mikey's curiosity shone through as he asked the question.

- "It's the Black Dragon." Mikey listened intently as Kaiya explained the situation. "Seems like they are after my brother. He gets beaten up everyday."

- "Were you hurt, Kaiya?" Mikey's concern deepened as he noticed the sadness in Kaiya's voice and the tears in her eyes. 

- "No, I'm fine. My brother started to leave school earlier lately and I never know where he is, but he comes back home every day beaten up and I have to patch up his wounds." Kaiya said in a sad voice, tears dancing in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Mikey, but I don't know what else to do, us alone can not face them. I did not know to whom to turn for help." As she said the last words, tears started to roll down her face.

- "You don't have for what to be sorry about, dummy." As Mikey warmly smiled, his eyes reflected a genuine care for Kaiya.

Keisuke, sensing Kaiya's distress, wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders, offering silent support in her moment of vulnerability.

- "You did well to ask for help, after all, that's what friends are for." Mikey continued. "I'll take care of that, Kaiya." He ruffled her hair gently, a warm smile playing on his lips as he offered his support. "He's mine already after all."

- "Thank you, Mikey." Mikey froze for a moment, surprised by Kaiya's unexpected reaction, but then he returned the hug warmly. Feeling a bit awkward, Mikey gently patted Kaiya's back before she excused herself and let go.

- "My Goki's the best in Tokyo!" Keisuke exclaimed with excitement as he admired his new motorcycle.

As they stopped at the red light, all of them lined up on their motorcycles, with Mikey riding with Keisuke due to his moped being out of commission, while Kazutora had his own motorcycle. The anticipation and excitement were palpable, evident in the radiant smiles adorning their faces as they waited for the light to change.

- "Huh? The best in Tokyo? My Zephyr's the best in Japan!" Draken remarked with a hint of cockiness, his confidence apparent in his demeanor.

- "Whoa, what, hold that phone. I can not just sit and let that slide. My sweet little impulse is the best in the world!" Mitsuya chimed in, his expression glowing with happiness and contentment.

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