Clone wars begins part-2

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As Yoda arrived at the forward command post, he was greeted by Commander Krime, who relayed the latest updates on the battle. "All units are holding strong, Master Yoda," Krime reported, his tone filled with admiration. "General Tyrone Shan's tactics have been instrumental in our success so far."

Meanwhile, on the front lines, Tyrone Shan's yellow-bladed lightsaber cut through the ranks of battle droids with precision and determination. As the droids attempted to mount a counterattack, Tyrone's voice rang out above the din of blaster fire. "Hold the line, men! We cannot falter now!"

Amidst the chaos of battle, clones fought valiantly alongside their Jedi General, but casualties were inevitable. The loss of life weighed heavily on Tyrone's shoulders as he witnessed his comrades fall in the heat of battle. "Stay strong, brothers!" he urged, his voice tinged with sorrow. "We fight for the Republic!"

Suddenly, the sound of an explosion rent the air as an AT-TE was struck by enemy fire, crumbling to the ground in a fiery blaze. Tyrone's heart sank at the sight, but he knew there was no time for despair. "We must press on!" he called out, rallying his troops to continue the fight. " Get those rockets up here on the double troopers " He demanded as two clones run beside him quickly steadying themselves aiming at the hail fire droid "Fire!!" as rocket speed towards the tank and with explosion destroyed the surronding b1s

Despite the setbacks, Tyrone remained resolute, his yellow blade blazing a path through the enemy ranks. With every strike, he inspired hope in the hearts of his fellow soldiers, leading them forward with unwavering courage and determination. And though the battle raged on, Tyrone Shan refused to yield, knowing that the fate of the galaxy depended on their victory they had to annihilate the separatist here and now other wise it surely meant another galaxy wide war.

And droids began to overwhelm the most advanced clone units as clone right next to Tyrone takes a bolt right to head and the smell of charred flesh feels any surronding men nearby and then a lone b2 begins to flank as Tyrone pushes and destroys it slicing it directly in two and deflects most its blasts a group of Genosians warriors and b1s flanks behind clone forces and Tyrone takes a bolt right through his left leg " Why is it always that kriffin leg?" He asks rhetorically launching the droids  into the air with a force push as clones with Z-6 gun down any airborne Genosians soldiers 

As the TX-1 Sabre tanks rolled onto the battlefield with deadly precision, the tide of the battle swiftly turned in favour of the Republic forces. Blaster bolts from the tanks' rapid-fire cannons cut through the remaining droid resistance like a scythe through wheat, leaving a trail of wreckage in their wake. Tyrone and his men worked swiftly to clear the battlefield of fallen clones and droids alike, their faces set in grim determination as they paid their respects to the fallen.

Amidst the chaos, the distinctive sound of approaching gunships filled the air, heralding the arrival of Master Plo Koon and a fresh wave of Republic troopers. With a sense of relief, Tyrone watched as the gunship touched down, unloading its complement of reinforcements onto the battlefield. "Welcome, Master Plo," Tyrone greeted the Jedi Master, his voice heavy with gratitude. "Your timing could not be better."

As the Republic assault ships landed nearby, their towering silhouettes casting long shadows across the battlefield, Tyrone and his fellow commanders quickly formulated a plan of attack. "We will siege the Luckerhulk command ships," Tyrone announced, his voice ringing out with authority. "We must strike swiftly and decisively if we are to achieve victory."

With their objectives clear, the Republic forces rallied for the final push, their resolve unshakeable in the face of overwhelming odds. As they prepared to storm the enemy's stronghold, Tyrone felt a surge of determination coursing through his veins but it was quickly drops to one knee as he looks at the smoke coming from his leg " You two get Knight Shan back to foward command base along with any clones still alive that need urgent medical attention " Plo koon demands  

As wounded men where loaded onto another gunship another landed infornt of them " Tyrone get on " Anakin called out and Tyrone quickly ran on as wound already bandaged up.

" Looks like you've had fun " Obi-Wan said.

" You know went from get married and carried to being shot in the same dam leg again " Tyrone said and the hid eyes looked to see Padme and decided he didn't want to ask.

As the gunship took off Plo had only just noticed but clone lieutenant qu inly took out of his worry state" Sir all forces are advancing and delta squad has successfully kill a Genosians Sun Fac " Plo koon nodded

" Good order them to engage and sabotage the luckerhulk nearest to there position" As the clone nodded " We will join up with general Windu forces sir and make a push for separatist luckerhulk still loading battle droids, well that was General shans plan ".

"Good, but let's get the wounded out of here before we re-join with the main force ". He stated as the troops got on sides of sabre tanks and At-TE began to move there steps kicking up dust 

Back on the gunship.

" Look over there " As they emerge from a massive dust cloud.

" It's Dooku " Obi wan stated " Open fire " Tyrone suggested " We are out of Rocket's sir " The pilot replied

" We should get back up " Padme suggested " No me, Anakin and Tyrone can handle this to many of the separatist council has escaped we can't allow Dooku to join that list "Obi wan responded.

Just then two Genosians fighters backed off Dooku and now focused there fire on gunship pursing them " EVASIVE maunders hold on " The pilot stated.

As fire rocked the Gunship and then a blast just to left side of the gunship rocked it causing Padme and A clone trooper to fall out "PADME "Anakin yelled.

"Bring the ship down " He demanded " Anakin, you cannot allow your personal feelings to get in the way of the task at hand" Tyrone stated.

" Continue to follow that speeder " Obi Wan said as blaster fire continue to rock the gunship  " LOWER THE SHIP " Anakin demanded his feelings becoming to dictate his actions " We can't take Dooku alone Anakin " Obi wan said trying to steer his focus back on hand " We can't leave her " Anakin said.

" You will be expelled from the jedi order !" Tyrone shouted " I DON'T CARE !" He retorted and Obi wan joined the conversation " What would Padme do in your position, Anakin ?" Obi wan asked and Anakin stayed silent " She would do her duty " Anakin mumbled 

Forward command centre   

" Sir the droid Army is in full retreat " As yoda head shook a disturbance in the force a shift of emotions " Well done commander, bring me a ship " He asks as the commander and he nods running of to issue some commands.

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