Chapter Ninety-four:"War aftermath"

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No one pov

Jinn finished showing and talking about (Y/n) ancestry and she retrieve back to the lamp

Strada:"So how do you feel knowing the truth"

(Y/n):"It did answer some questions, and make things make sense, but still this whole thing feel surreal"

Strada:"I understand well as you hear my ancestor ask yours if he could join his army, I want you also in my army to fight the Grimm become a soldier and warrior, to fight against the Grimm and who knows maybe you'll be rise rank and have your own army to lead as a general, and will be handsomely reworded from your service"

(Y/n):"That does sound appealing, but I need time to think and have work to do now"

Strada:"Understand I'll give you a whole month to think, I know you'll make a wise decision, also you might bring your silver eye mate she can be giving great training to use her eyes"

He walk away back to his ship and fly away, (Y/n) turn look at Ruby and the whole gang

Ruby:"So what now???"

(Y/n):"I must go and clean this mess, give the deceased a proper burial, you go this well take a few hours"


Many few hours later

Over a thousand bodies have been carried and identified, and still thousand more to go, (Y/n) finished burry with others more and putting a tombstone with its the person name date of birth and death, he put his hand on it and he walk away, and step up on the bullhead fly back to Atlas academy

Survivor soldier#1:"So what happens know???"

(Y/n):'lift his head's/"I do not know, I'm tired"

Survivor soldier#2:"Me too"

Small time skip

Location Atlas academy

He walked out the bullhead with his weapon on hand dragon slayer broke in two, his two handguns wrath and fury in pieces he feels weak by all this, he walk straight to his dorm not listening to anyone, he open his dorm door he enter close the door he drop everything too the floor his old chipped chain fall to the ground breaking to pieces, he seat down his bed take off his worn out boots, he move his neck cracking bones making him feel better, he lift his arms and see his scars he touch the large one on his chest, has really been that long three or four years has passed since he enter Beacon academy, his 19 close to 20, a lot has happened in that time

Ruby:"Having problem"

(Y/n):"No, just has really happen all this in almost four years, I have changed a lot it's surprised my, I'm not the same boy I enter in Beacon academy, I'm not the same 16 year old wolf faunus who thought was mortal"

Ruby:"Yeah a lot of things have changed"/'takes her clothes off'

(Y/n):"I'm tired"/'lay down on bed'

Ruby:'joins him'/"Me too"

Both sleep on the bed

Time skip a few days

All the bodies were buried and General Ironwood was on a stand making a speech or an eulogy

Ironwood:"Many good soldiers have sacrificed their life for this day Salem's defeat, the nightmare is finally over many innocent die from this monster many fought her to stoper but fail, this man (Y/n) (L/n) was able to finished her once and for all"

Ironwood walk away and (Y/n) stand up in its place

(Y/n):"Salem before she became the monster she was, like everyone she was on ordinary person but unfortune fall upon her, and from her unfortune she decided to become the monster we know a monster that only wanted to die but she couldn't she was cursed to be immortal until she understands the importance balance of life and death, but she thought the best way to finally end her life was make human and faunus to separate them that they only hate each other, of course she didn't think that maybe by trying to apart human and faunus will only make us tighter together then ever, she make the all of us in first time in remnant history we go to war, not by ideology, race, belief, but to fight a common enemy, and we shall honor those how fall dreaming and fighting, for a better tomorrow"

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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