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I called Dante, desperate to get some answers. I wanted Ruth to be fine, to be alright and on her way back home. Nonetheless, I booked the first available flight to Paris, which was luckily leaving in three hours.

"How is Ruth?" I asked, skipping the greeting.

"She's fine," but Dante's tone was hurried and stressed.

"I am coming there," and when he didn't argue, I only got more scared.

"Can you bring Leah along with you? Just in case..." I took the address of the place where Leah was and turned the car around in that direction.

I had no luggage. Just my phone, my wallet, and a coat. I couldn't even wait for a taxi and ended up deciding to leave my car at the airport.

I drove as quickly as I could to where Leah was. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic and I reached there quickly.

It was a comfortable-looking house. It was two storeys high and painted beautifully in yellow and white. I stopped my car in front of the gate and opened it myself, hoping that the lady in there wouldn't think that I was a burglar.

Dante had told me that the house belonged to Leah's grandparents.

I knocked on the door and a sweet lady opened it while smiling grimly. "Is she going to be okay?" she asked me hopefully.

"I don't know," I replied honestly despite how much those words killed me.

"I haven't told her anything," she warned me in a hushed tone as Leah came running out with a backpack slung on her shoulder and a suitcase that she was pushing with all her strength.

I entered without thinking twice and pulled the suitcase from her hands and offered another hand while gesturing for her to take off her bag.

She did and handed me her luggage wordlessly. I smiled at how much she was like Ruth from the inside.

"Thank you, Christian," she mumbled, swaying shyly and I remembered that she had a crush on me.

I cursed in my head before extending an arm to take her to the airport. She bid goodbye to her grandmother and I put her luggage in the trunk and had her sit in the passenger seat.

"You have your passport, right?" she nodded and answered,

"It's in my bag,"

"So, how was your stay with your grandma?"

"I had fun. I missed Mom though," she replied sadly. "How long till we get there?"

"A few hours. Have you had something to eat?" she nodded in response. "Okay, if you feel hungry, then let me know. I'll buy you something,"

"Thank you so much, Uncle Christian," she paused for a second before asking, "Why can't Uncle Dante take me to Mommy?"

My grip on the steering wheel instantly tightened as those words escaped her mouth. Innocent words that cut deep.

I shouldn't feel jealous of whatever Ruth had with Dante. It wasn't my business plus I was dating a nice girl.

But I couldn't help it as jealousy cut through me and I answered, "He's with your mom right now,"

"I am glad you're the one taking me," she mumbled, blushing faintly.

"Why not Uncle Dante?" I asked, despite the fact that I knew the answer to that. I had to keep her mind off the truth, and mine as well.

She hesitated for a moment before answering, "He's nice..." she muttered. "I think you are cooler, though,"

The airport is close to her grandparents' house and I pulled into the gates just as she finished her statement. I pulled into the parking and quickly got out of the car.

Cryptic PassionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang