12- Ruth

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I woke up in a hospital with tubes everywhere. I hated hospitals especially the fact that I was wearing something that wasn't black.

I hated light blue as a color. To be honest, I didn't like many colors to begin with. I loved black, followed by red and dark blue, and then white. I am sure a lot of people wouldn't even consider white and black colors either. But that was who I was.

I loved colors that looked constant, looked strong, and radiated power like black, red, and blue. White was the color I used to play innocent to convince people to do things for me.

Light blue just didn't have the same effect.

Dante was sitting by my side when I had woken up. He was holding my hand in his while silently muttering prayers under his breath.

"Dante..." I tried to call but ended up coughing vigorously.

His eyes shot open and he took me gently into his arms as much as he could with the IVs. He kissed my forehead softly before reprimanding me, "Don't try to talk. You inhaled a lot of smoke!"

I nodded before my eyes lowered and I noticed that he had taken his suit jacket off. The sleeves of his shirt had been burned off from the edges and he had bandages on his arms.

"Did you get burned?" I asked him, panicking.

"You're an idiot, Ruth!" he snapped, smacking the side of my head gently. "You could've died! I am going to kill Alejandro-"

"He bombed the E.Y.E facility?" I asked and Dante gave a short nod in response.

"There were no survivors apart from you and the two of them. He's going to get killed for this,"

"You got me out?" He nodded again, but this time with a smile of adoration. I flung my arms around his neck and pulled him back into an embrace. "Thank you so much!"

"I'll always get you out, my baby girl," he whispered and I kissed his cheek before calling,


"Yeah?" he asked, pulling himself away.

"I love you,"

"I love you too, my baby girl," he replied, kissing my forehead again.

After an hour or so, they had transferred me to a room inside my house, but the news had already leaked that I had been burned.

Luckily, my assistant had released a statement about what had happened to me to not make people suspicious about the fact that I had been burned on the same day that E.Y.E had been burned down.

It was a good cover-up. I could only hope that it was good enough.

I fell asleep at my house in Paris and woke up hours later, right before Christian entered my room with Leah.

I hadn't seen my daughter for two weeks, so she jumped instantly into my arms and I hugged her back despite the stinging in my arms.

Christian acted protectively, something that a part of me liked. Dante, Caeser, and Christian were the only three people so far who looked at me and cared to make my pains go away.

They didn't look at me and let me be while thinking 'She can do it herself.' They looked and me and thought, 'She can do it herself, but I can help her out and make it easier for her,' and I appreciated it.

It took me another day, but the doctor told me that it was safe for me to travel back home. I had my assistant ready for the private jet and spent the rest of the hours in my room with Leah.

I hated my husband, but there was a part of him that was responsible for Leah, and for that reason only, I couldn't ever hate him completely.

He wasn't the best person on the planet, but he had somehow given me a daughter that I would kill everyone else for.

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