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@ #18\04\2021#

DebbieJhay {De_bo_rah} Busy Bee.

All Rights Reserved.

To all the persons giving this story a shot, thank you so much! xo

Chapter Five: ----------------------.

"I won!" I forced out squealing happily as I sat down on the floor.

It's been two weeks since I dropped both Seb and the groceries at the packhouse and we started the training two days after and to say he was skilled was an understatement, he is more than skilled.

For the first few days, we ran around the perimeter seven-seven times in the morning before we started the basics in the afternoon.

He had met Maddy over the week and she had been invited over to watch the training and she has taken in a liking to him and I think she has a tiny little crush on him, and I mean who wouldn't, the guy is handsome and manly, his muscles are to die for and I think that's the most important reason why most unmated females come to watch us during mid-day, staring at him like as if he is some fresh meat.

"What! You didn't win Bella, I just allowed you to feel a little bit victorious" he said smugly and I rolled my eyes at his tactics, this was my first win since we started training.

"The training is quite refreshing; we should fight again so we can show him who the boss of all bosses is" my lips tugged down in a frown as I heard what Hera said. Did she think, the training was that super easy? Nonsense.

Blocking Hera from the link as she wiggled her tail at me, I walked up to Maddy who was clapping happily, rolling my eyes at her I collected the bottle water that she stretched out to me and sat down on the floor right beside her.

"I stink" I commented smelling the red sport bra I had worn earlier in the morning and it brought out an awfully bad smell, I am sure I don't smell oh but to me I smell, I am a very neat person but according to Maddy's definition: it is not called neat, it is called being a neat freak.

"You are acting as if the training is that terrifying" Maddy said and I playfully punched her on her left shoulder. "ouch! That hurts" she faked.

"I didn't even hit you with force, Maddy so stop exaggerating and the training is not like: it is terrifying" I said standing up and signaling her to stand up too.

"Hey! Seb, we are heading home to have a nice bath and a cup of hot chocolate since this bitch right here is famished" Maddy called out to Seb ranting about me a lazy ass and he jogged towards us.

"Do you mind if I join?" Seb asked politely as he has been doing towards her and I rolled my eyes, whenever he is with me, he is usually rude and being a douche and of course Maddy replied.

"Yes, we would we at the pack's pool in thirty minutes with hot chocolate and some bags of chips" squealing, rolling my eyes at both of them before dragging Maddy and we used our werewolf home.

We lived together in a cottage near the pack's hospital and we've being living there since we turned eighteen.

"Oh please! That's not what I said" sipping my hot chocolate, I quietly eyed Maddy suspiciously.

"Then what did you say?" I asked stretching my hands to pick up a piece of chips but I was stopped midway, rolling my eyes at her I hissed loudly.

"I said that he is cute and that the person that will end up being his mate will be one hell of a lucky person" she answered. "then why don't you go for him; it looks like he likes you" I said raising an eyebrow at her.

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