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@ #18\04\2021#

DebbieJhay {De_bo_rah} Busy Bee.

All Rights Reserved.

To all the persons giving this story a shot, thank you so much! xo

Chapter Nine: -----------------------.

"You should go Belle. You will get to meet so many different people and go to different places in a new environment and have a lot a fun, you even get to go with Maddy, you two have always had bonded well" my mother concluded her long speech.

I had explained about my friend's proposals and me being a warrior and my mom had immediately launched into some long ass shit speech how it will be good for my mental health; blah; blah; blah. She didn't even think about it, she immediately agreed into sending me off to Greece.

By the time I had dinner with both mum and Lia it was already late and I had to go for my night patrol which I ended up ditching giving useless excuse.

I was now laying down thinking about the letter Mira sent, she had the habits of writing letters since she loved writing in general, I had barely passed high school and my business degree.

I brought out the letter to read;


I know that we do not have a very sound relationship right now so I decided to write you an apology letter which I know you will laugh at it but still read it. (She knows me too well; I've got people who know me too well). I am very; very SORRY.

Mother said you now do another work apart from training newly turned wolfs and working patrol, she said something about bodyguarding the former queen or something. Well congratulations and I hope your boss is treating you with a lot of respect because I know you really deserve it, ISABELLA.

Sorry about the other day, I didn't know you still get pissed off, heck even I still get pissed off but not for too long. Please try and get rid of that hate you have harbored since we were kids, it will make you feel less burden.

I will call you once I am able to do so. Don't stress yourself.



Smiling, I pick up my cell phone that was laying on the bed side table to call Mirabella but I decided against it and dialed Maddy's contact number. She picked up after the third ring.

"Sorry to disturb whatever you and Matts are doing at this ungodly hour" I said placing the phone in between my neck and my shoulder, before picking up the letter and folding it back inside the brown envelope.

"Belle! Nothing is happening right now; we are just watching that Dylan's series" Matt's voice sounded sleepy. "Maddy?" I said questionably when I heard Matt's voice. "Asleep" Matts answered.

"Oh! Okay, just tell her that I am coming with you guys to Greece and you guys should branch my house when you are going to airport" I announced putting the envelope on the bed side table.

"I knew that you would come with us, don't worry I will inform her" he replied and I greeted him good night before laughing out loud and cutting the call.

Total Word Count: 638 words.

I hope you all enjoyed this very short chapter of mine. I made this chapter because I just wanted us to read and explain Mira's letter well and I hope you loved my way of writing letters.

Hey lovelies just show me your love by tapping the star button on the button of your screen and butting in each and every of your comments in the comment session.


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