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@ #18\04\2021#

DebbieJhay {De_bo_rah} Busy Bee.

All Rights Reserved.

To all the persons giving this story a shot, thank you so much! xo

Chapter Eight: ----------------------------.

Let's just say after an hour convincing from both my wolfs, my sister and my friends: new (Seb and Matt) and old (Maddison), I had considered going but on the condition that I had to ask my mom and Mira about it.

Right now, we were sitting in the dining with soda and two frozen box of pizza that we had finished.

"You know that if you go with us, you no longer have Xavier disturbing you by flirting with you and looking for your trouble" Maddy blurted out and they all laughed except Lia who was munching the last slice of pizza slowly.

"When are you guys leaving?" I questioned, biting my already short nails. "Tomorrow morning" Seb and Matts answered at the same time and I let out a nervous laugh.

"Whatever, don't get your hopes high because I am sure my mom isn't ready to let her 20-year old daughter live very faraway especially to another continent considering that I am her favorite daughter" I stunted and almost immediately Lia's head snapped up to mine. "No, you're not, I am" she said dropping her soda and glaring at me.

"You and I know that I am her favorite" I replied emphasizing more on the 'favorite' and Lia huffed loudly. "She buys me a new doll and doll house every week" Lia said tapping her toes loudly on the tiled floor.

"She did so for every one of us Lia and it is not even her money, it is I and Mira's money together with uncle John's. The only difference between us it that we stopped allowing her to buy dolls we I turned eight" I stated even though it was completely a lie.

My father never allowed dolls or toys in the house even though my mom begged for it, he never allowed. We had to sneak some toys we played with always hiding it.

Each time we got toys as gifts he took it away from us and burnt it all, Mira was the one who suffered most from my dad, he degraded her using his words and I suffered the physical wrath and let me tell you emotional wrath is the worst of all.

"So?" came out as Lia's reply. "So that means that you're still a baby" I emphasized hissing.

"I am a big girl Bella, you even said so yesterday at school" she whined and everybody blurted out laughing. "Well, now I have completely changed my words to opposite" I stilted. "What made you think so?" she stated.

"Well, little Lia an eight-year old could be called big because I and Mira were called so" I said and another round of laugher rated the air.

"Why?" she asked and I nodded my head absentmindedly, she could never understand that we had to grow up quickly, there were sometimes that we had to fend for ourselves most of the times.

Sometimes we were not given dinner as punishment, he would tell us to go and hunt for food and we've not even shifted at that time.

"We started training way before I turned ten" I sassed and she huffed before whining again, "But I've started mine" another person snorted causing another round of laughter.

"You started yesterday love and that's late and you know why?" I asked not even waiting for her answer before answering.

"Because you were mom's handbag Lia" that was completely a lie. I had told my mom to give Lia the kind of childhood that she wouldn't have to worry about everything: the best childhood that I and Mira where not able to get.

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