Chapter 1

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I got up at six o'clock in the morning to get ready for work, grabbed a pink hoodie and light blue jeans with a pair of white converse and went downstairs to get breakfast.

"Hi mom!" I said enthusiastically seeing my mom cracking eggs in a small blue bowl.

"Hi sweetheart, breakfast will be ready in a second." I nodded my head and went into the living room to read until it was time for breakfast. I grabbed a random book on one of our bookshelves and sat down on one of the couches.

Just as I was getting to a good part my mom called me in for breakfast and I had to put the book away. I rolled my eyes and set it aside, putting a smile on my face as I sat down with my eggs and toast at the counter.

"I'll have to leave soon, my work shift is at six forty - five." I told my mom.

"Okay sweetie, don't forget to grab your lunch, it's right over there." She pointed behind me and I turned around to see a brown sack sitting on a side table near the entrance.

"I won't, thanks mom." I finished my food and headed out the door to my beautiful black Badland Bronco in the driveway that I am proud to say that I paid for. I got in and turned the key hearing the humming in the engine and drove out onto the road heading to my job at the Hi-Collar coffee shop. My parents don't know this but at night it turns into a bar, and there's a party there every night that I attend. I work during the day, and party during the end of the day. My parents don't know anything, much less anything about me, though I bet they would if they actually paid attention to me. But I don't want them to pay attention to me, so far I've been able to make them think that I'm a super nice, innocent, smart fifteen year old, but I'm very far from that. My name is Y/n Larson and I am anything but nice and innocent. I know things that I should not do, I dress like I shouldn't at my age, and I do things that I shouldn't do. I don't get drunk or smoke weed, but that's because I don't want to die, but I definitely do other stuff fifteen year olds shouldn't be doing, like working at a bar, going to kinds of parties that someone my age shouldn't go to. That's just me, and I'm fucking proud of it, but the thing is no one knows I'm like this, not my parents, not my teachers, and not even any of my friends. They all think that I'm a goody-to-shoes that sucks up to teachers and has never had a dirty thought in my life, I'm the one who's known for my innocence and sweetness but I'm dirty as fuck for a fifteen year old. I have been since I was five when I accidently saw an ad on the T.V. that I wasn't supposed to and I've been into that kind of thing for forever. But I acted like I wasn't like this because I still wanted my freedom so for the past ten years I've made sure to get perfect scores on everything, be nice at any moment in front of people, and never be rude or talk back. But sometimes I just want to walk up to my parents, flip them off, scream in their faces, and go back to my room. So instead I secretly take martial arts lessons to blow off some steam, it really works too, I just envision really anyone's face, and I'm able to punch or kick them harder than before, it's a little trick that's taken me far.

The only people that know I'm like this is the person that pierced my belly button when I was eight, the people I work with, and the people at the parties, they won't tell anyone because they don't snitch on their own people, no matter how old they are.

"Hey, it's your favorite bitch." I said singsongy.

"Hey Queen, what's the story today?" Wren asked.

"None, there wasn't a close call last night!" I said fist bumping Wren.

"What? How is that possible? It's a close call every night."

"Well not last night, my parents were in a deep conversation in their room when I got home, I was able to shower and go to bed without needing to talk to them." "Now, where are my clothes?" I ask her.

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