Chapter 2

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"Hello, you must be Y/n Larson, my name is Luna Lovegood." The blonde girl held out her hand and I shook it.

"It's nice to meet you Luna, are you my guide?" She nodded and led me inside. She showed me the first three floors when we came across a pair of girls holding hands. One had a black bob with piercing eyes and the other had long curly brown hair with matching big brown eyes.

"Hey, Pans, Mione. This is Y/n, she just joined." Luna introduced me. I waved.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi, how do you like Hogwarts so far?" Who I'm guessing is, Mione asked me.

"I'm loving it, this has been my dream school for many many years and now that I'm finally here it's gorgeous." I wasn't lying, Hogwarts really was a beautiful place to live.

"Well I'm glad you like it, if you ever need anything just come find me or Pans." Mione said and they walked off.

"Are those two a couple?" I ask.

"Yes they are, I find them very cute, they're practically perfect for each other. They are also two of my closest friends. Now, let's finish this tour." Luna said and we finished the tour just as the sun was setting. "I have one last thing I need to explain, sometime this week you will take a test that will put you into a certain group in the school. There are four; the Slytherins who are ambitious and cunning, the Gryffindors who are very brave, the Hufflepuffs who are loyal and kind. Lastly there are the Ravenclaws, they are usually the ones that do the best school, they use their brains more than the other groups, I myself am in Ravenclaw." Luna explained this then dropped me off at my temporary room, I found a paper and quill on the desk and I'm guessing this was the quiz. I already knew that I was going to be a Slytherin and I couldn't have that, I needed to end up in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. So on basically all the questions I lied, for example it asked me what I would rather do on a Saturday; stay home and read a book, go to a party, go on an adventure, or help a friend with whatever they need. I chose the first option and quickly finished the little test. I picked up the paper and explored the school trying to find either Luna, Mione, or Pans but had no luck. I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh my I am so sorry." I said and looked up to find a tall boy with platinum blonde hair and silver eyes.

"Watch where you're going!" He snarled and stalked off. Rude. I continued walking and finally found Luna.

"Oh Y/n do you need anything?" She asked.

"I finished the test and I was wondering what I should do with it."

"Oh you can just hand that over to me, I'll bring it to the Headmaster." I handed her the paper and she walked off leaving me alone once again. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now?"

"New kids shouldn't be talking like that, especially a young woman such as yourself." I turned around and saw the boy from earlier, I had to refrain from rolling my eyes.

"I'm just frustrated, I just got here and the only people I know keep on leaving me alone without a map."

"Well if you are about to ask me for help, don't bother, I'm just going to say no." He starts walking off. 'Bitch' I mutter under my breath but I know he hears it because he chuckles softly.

I saw Mione walking around the corner and I ran over to her.

"Mione, there you are." I said between breaths, I was still panting from the run over.

"Hello Y/n. Do you need something?"

"I don't know where I'm supposed to go."

"Oh just come with me, you're about to be put in your house based on the test you took. Follow me." I followed her and we ended up in a very large room with four tables, each table had students dressed in different colors, one table everyone was dressed in green and silver, another everyone was dressed in blue and bronze, then red and gold, and lastly yellow and black. "I'm going to go sit down at my table. You just stay here until you hear your name being called, okay?" I nod my head and I see her walking to the table filled with red.

"Everyone, I would like you to give a warm welcome to our newest student, Y/N LARSON!" I heard my name and started walking towards the man that called my name. He gestured for me to sit down in the chair next to him. "You took a test earlier and I have chosen which house you belong in. Y/n Larson, you belong in, RAVENCLAW!!" I hear the table filled with blue and bronze erupt in cheers and claps as I stand up and go to sit next to Luna.

"Congratulations Y/n!! I'm not biased but I have to admit that Ravenclaw is by far the best house." I laughed at her statement and saw all the food that was on the table.

"Start eating, you will need to sleep well tonight for the first day of school tomorrow." The old man announced and everyone dug into their food and talked lively. I stayed silent while eating, pulling out a book, now that people thought that I belonged in Ravenclaw I had to act the part. So for the rest of dinner I read one of my favorite books (Where the Red Fern Grows) for the millionth time.

"Y/n it's time to head to our rooms, I think we're rooming together so just come with me." We got up and headed out of the large room and I followed Luna to a painting. "Each house's area is guarded because of the house fights, you have to say a certain password to get let into each house and only the people within the house know the word. 'Sugar drop'." Luna said and you could hear locks unlatching and she swung the painting to the side to reveal a room behind it. She led me through and showed me to our room. It was absolutely gorgeous, it was huge with two floor to ceiling windows, two four poster beds with blue sheets and bronze colored pillows. It had multiple paintings on the walls that enhanced the space. I loved it.

"IT'S GORGEOUS!!" Luna laughed at what I yelled.

"Yes, yes it is. Now we need to get ready for bed, lights out at eleven 0'clock sharp, we'll get detention if our lights aren't out before then." Luna said and we got ready. Luna showered and I showered after her, I exited the bathroom to find her already in bed fast asleep and I snuck under my covers. I was going to have a very fun year.

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